1910-1930 US History

  • Archduke Ferdinand's Assasination

    Archduke Ferdinand was assasinated in Sarajevo by gravilo princip along his side his wife was killed. This then led to the start of WWI
  • Child Labor Law

    This law stopped employers from employing children and had kids start school instead.
  • U.S enters WWI

    The US entered WWI because of the germans were using submaries in illegal warfare, the sinking of the lusitania also was a great contribution.
  • Mass Production and Fabrication

    This new technique helped America launch 95 ships
  • Germany Surrenders

    On this date Germany surrendered because it realized that there were slim chances of wining.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This treaty endded WWI the war between Germany and the Allied powers.
  • Prohibition Act

    This act prohibited the act of selling, distributing or consuming alcohol.
    Due to this act there was a rise in orginaized crime and coruption in many government offices. Also there was many speakeasys
  • Nellie Tayloe Ross

    She was the first women to be elected Governer.
  • National Origins Act

    An act that established qoutas for immagrants from Europe and Asia.
    This act was still in act in the 1960s.
  • Great Gatsby

    Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a story about the American dream during the roaring twenties era and its up beat scence.