
Important American Battles in the 19th Century Told on a Timeline in a Sarcastically Enjoyable Display

  • First Barbary War

    First Barbary War
    Lasting from 1801-1805, the First Barbary War was fought between American and Sweden against the 4 North African states known as the Barbary states. The US got involved because the Barbary States were capturing US merchant ships hostage for ransom which President Thomas Jefferson didnt like, so he denied to pay and declared war instesd. The result was a peace treaty signed after an American-Swedish victory.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The War of 1812 was fought between The United States and The United Kingdom from 1812 to 1815. The war started as result of the British blockading trade between France and the US because the British were having an armed disagreement with France. James Madison declared war, but only because the War Hawks pressured him to. The war resulted in a stalemate with the treaty of Ghent being signed after invasion attempts failed horribly on both sides
  • Creek War

    Creek War
    A small war between the US and Cherokee against Red Stick Creek. Red Stick Creek attempted to assist the British in the Battle of New Orleans. Andrew Jackson didnt really like that so he forced them to surrender with the Treaty of Fort Jackson and then made them give the US 21 Million acres of land.
  • First Seminole War

    First Seminole War
    No one really knows when The First Seminole ware happened, all we know is it happened between 1814 and 1819. Lieutenant Colonel Nicolls gave a fort to fugitive slaves and Seminoles. The US was scared that this fort would inspire slave revolts and since they didnt want that Andrew Jackson commanded it to be taken over. The Fort exploded during the fight meaning the US technically won.
  • Second Barbary War

    Second Barbary War
    The Barbary states, despite a treaty and losing a war to the US and Sweden decided to go back to attacking merchant ships because the US was too busy fighting the war of 1812 to really care but still America didnt like it so they went to war again which ended in another US victory.
  • Texas Indian Wars

    Texas Indian Wars
    The Texas Indian Wars lasted from 1820 to 1875. The struggle was fought between the US, Republic of Texas, Spain, and Mexico against the Comanche to drive them out of the Texas area. It ended in the Comanche losing.
  • Black Hawk War

    Black Hawk War
    In 1832 the British Band, a group of Native Americans consisting of Sauks, Meskwakis, and Kickapoos, crossed the Mississippi. Led by Blackhawk, his motives were not known but he did tell the US that they were just resettling on their land but the US didnt believe that so they attacked them. They US of course one killing 600 which included some non combatants.
  • Second Seminole War

    Second Seminole War
    From 1835 to 1842 the US once again fought the Seminole people in Florida. It was the most costly of the American Indian conflicts and it wasnt even resolved at the end.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    This conflict lasted from 1846 to 1848, it was fought between the US and Mexico. After Texas was annexed the US sent diplomats to a disputed territory and it didnt go too well since Mexican forces attacked them sparking a war. This war ended conflict between Texas and Mexico and after this Mexico recognized the US as a sovereign nation.
  • Apache Wars

    Apache Wars
    Between 1849 and 1886 Texas had a conflict with the Apache Indians because Texas didnt like them in Texas so they fought and of course the US won and they forced the Indians onto reservations.
  • John Browns Raid on Harpers Ferry

    John Browns Raid on Harpers Ferry
    John Brown, an abolitionist, attempted to start a slave revolt in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. His attempt failed and they were defeated by US Marines. John was then hung for this.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    From 1861 to 1865 fought between the Northern Union and the Southern Confederacy. The fight was over the issue of slavery which the North did like and the South liked a little too much. The Union had General Ulysses and The Condfederacy had General Lee. The Union ended up winning against the south, stopping slavery dead in its tracks.
  • Dakota War of 1862

    Dakota War of 1862
    After the US violated some indian peace treaties, as they tended to do back then, the Sioux people were not exactly happy and so they attacked areas around Southern Minesota in revenge. The Sioux people killed settlers and the US didnt like that so they gathered up a bunch of Sioux men and executed them in Mankato Minnesota. It was the largest mass execution in US History.
  • Navajo Wars

    Navajo Wars
    A long lasting conflict that lasted from 1600's to the 19th century. It's most important in the 19th because it ended then. The result was a US victory and resulted in the Navajo being put on reservations
  • Red Clouds War

    Red Clouds War
    Red Cloud's War was fought between the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Northern Arapaho against the United States in Wyoming and Montana from 1866 to 1868. The 2 parties fought because neither of them could decide who controlled the western Powder River Country. The Crow tribe held the treaty right saying they controlled that area and the US backed them up in that but the other tribes weren't having it because it was their land. So they fought and the US and Crow Indians lost.
  • Modoc War

    Modoc War
    The Modoc War was between the Native American Modoc people and the US Army in northeastern California and southeastern Oregon from 1872 to 1873. Captain Jack and 500 Indian warriors left Klamath Reservation and the US didnt like that so there was an armed conflict. In 1873 the US attempted to send peace commissioners but Captain Jack just killed them. The US didnt like that so they fought hard and captured Jack and tried him for the murders of the peace commissioners.
  • Great Sioux War of 1876

    Great Sioux War of 1876
    The Great Sioux War of 1876 was a fight between the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and the United States. The US wanted the Black Hills because gold had been found there so settlers started to trespass on Native American land. The Sioux and Cheyenne refused to let the US have it. So the United States did what they normally did and took it by force.
  • Cheyenne War

    Cheyenne War
    This war was caused by attempt of the Northern Cheyenne to return to the north after being put on the Southern Cheyenne reservation which they didnt like. The US didnt like them trying to leave the reservation so they fought for a bit and then decided to just make a Northern Cheyenne reservation to solve that issue.
  • Yaqui Wars

    Yaqui Wars
    Although the wars had been going on since 1533, the US didnt get involved until 1896. The wars were an ongoing battle between Mexico and Spain against The Yaqui. The Yaqui were attempting to overthrow a government and the US decided to aid Mexico with a small militia. Eventually the US got their army involved and fought against the Yaqui resulting in a Mexican and American Victory, finally ending the Yaqui Wars
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The war between Spain and the US began after the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba. The US decided to intervene in the Cuban War of Independence because the US likes to intervene in wars. So with the help of Cuban revolutionaries the US fought Spain and won giving Cuba sovereignty.