Galvenston storm 1900


  • Galvenston Storm

    Galvenston Storm
    The Galveston Storm in 1900 was a devastating impact to the local and national community, the death count estimated to be at least eight thousand causalities, and the missing person count to be four thousand. It cost 35.4 million in repairs, which today would inflate to 1 billion dollars.
    Ten thousand families were left displaced after the destruction of the hurricane.
    This is still known as the deadliest USA natural disaster.
  • Titanic

    The Titanic is one of the most well known tragedies globally. A pleasure cruise line crashed against an iceberg, resulting in the death of approximately 1,200 people.
    It is argued that the number of fatalities was avoidable, yet due to poor evacuation procedures, lack of lifeboats, and not evacuating the boats to maximum capacity, a large percentage of passengers died.
    Historians believe that first class held a 44% higher chance of survival, leading to arguments against class discrimination.
  • Prohibition

    From 1920-1933, the production and consumption of alcohol was banned, resulting in the closure of saloons and bars. Bootlegging and creating alcohol which is commonly known as "moonshine" emerged from this era. In San Antonio, 25 dollars was given to those who could catch bootleggers selling alcohol to military personnel. Texas was notorious for strict prohibition enforcement.
    The prohibition enabled gangs and crime syndicates to have a heavier role in society as they distributed alcohol.
  • Manchuria Invasion

    Manchuria Invasion
    As the Chinese propaganda shows, this was the invasion of Manchuria and the beginning of Japan occupying China before World War II.
    Bombing Manchurian bridges, the Japanese army claimed it was Manchuria and used that opportunity to occupy the city. This is significant to world history, as the deaths of an estimated ten million people died under Japanese occupation.
    Manchuria also provided resources for the war such as oil, lumber, and rubber, equipping the Soviets and Japanese military.
  • Texas in World War II 1940's

    Texas in World War II 1940's
    During the war, 1.5 million military personnel came to Texas for training, Texas hosted 142 major military installations across the state, with more than 750,000 Texans in uniform. Texas also contributed to scrap drives, war bond campaigns, and rationing.
    22,000 Texans died in the war, and the permanent population sprang after the war period. Texas beef, petroleum products weapons and medical equipment were used by troops overseas. Texas was an intricate and necessary part of the war effort.
  • Civil Rights

    Civil Rights
    Rosa Parks was an initiation of the Montgomery bus boycott, which contributed to the Civil Rights movement that went from 1954 to 1968.
    Refusing to relinquish her seat to a white man, Rosa Parks was arrested and released on bail. Outrage sparking, a widespread boycott occurred, the Civil Rights movement emphasized in the nations.
    Other Civil Rights events included sit ins, various boycotts, mass marches, and rallies.
    It was a struggle for justice and equality that still continues.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    One of the most well known presidential assassinations, JFK was shot while being driven through Dallas. A multitude of conspiracy theories, and outrage was sparked through his death as the Cold War was at its prime, and uncertainty swirled about the Kennedy family. The Vietnam War was also in effect, which brought many to the question of why JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Though mystery lays about this death even today, it was a loss that devastated the nation.
  • The End of the Vietnam War

    The End of the Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War ended when North Vietnamese captured Saigon, bringing Vietnam under communist rule. The USA ultimately had 58,119 killed and 1,948 missing in action. The Republic of Vietnam is estimated to be 230,000 killed and 1,169,763 wounded. The North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong suffered approximately 1,100,000 killed in action, and it is estimated that between 2 to 4 million Vietnamese civilians were killed during the conflict.
  • Challenger Explosion

    Challenger Explosion
    A televised tragedy, a space shuttle exploded 73 seconds into the flight, killing all seven crew members.
    Notable death was Christa McAuliffe, a teacher who boarded as a participant of the Teacher in Space Project.
    Since then, this disaster has been used in case studies, investigated for workplace safety and the decision was made to not send civilians to space for at least twenty two years.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement

    North American Free Trade Agreement
    NAFTA was established in order to establish a free trade zone for Mexico, Canada, and the United States, creating a free trade zone for the three countries.
    As a result, trade increased, five million USA jobs given, average wage rose, and government spending was reduced.
    The cons was that Mexican farmers went out of business, businesses were exploited, 682K jobs in the USA were lost, and factories began suppressing wages.
    Ultimately it was a trade deal that solved issues yet created others.
  • Barack Obama becomes President

    Barack Obama becomes President
    Sworn in as the first African American to become president and serving for two terms, President Obama is known for passing the health care reform bill, the Iraq War ending, limitations on Iran's nuclear program, cut unemployment percentages down, supported LGBTQ marriage equality, dropped veteran rate by 50%, and increased the funding of Department of Veteran Affairs.
    The Benghazi Controversy, IRS scandal and Obamacare are topics that are debated by the public as to their ethical nature.