Obama family election 2012 4 3 r560


  • Period: to


  • Fort Sumter Attacked

    Fort Sumter Attacked
    • Opening fire with 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The Civil War begins.
  • Cicil War

    Cicil War
    civil war begains and ends in april (1865)
  • Light

    Electric lights are installed by Thomas Edison on the steamer Columbia, making it the first ship to have electricity on board.
  • panama canal

    panama canal
    construction begins on the panama canal
  • world war I begins

    world war I begins
    world war I begins on august 4th and ends on November 11th.
  • Women right to vote

    Women right to vote
    Million of women exercised their right to vote and the same right men have for the first time on Election Day. Because of the 19th amendment that was ratified.
  • Stock Market crashed

    Stock Market crashed
    U.S. stock market crashes on October 29, ushering in the great depression for America and replacing President Hover in the White House.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The great depression is want help place Hitler into power in a 1930 election. Promising that he will lead Germany out of their war debts. Hitler went down in history as the most famous dictator that committed Genocide of around or over 6 million people.
  • world war II

    world war II
    Began September 1st and ends on august 15th we entered the war in 1941.
  • Peral Harbor attacked

    Peral Harbor attacked
    December 7 Japan planes attacked American naval base in Hawaii. Japan sank the Pearl Harbor and destroyed 20 naval vessels. Which led us into WW2.
  • women civil right movement

    women civil right movement
  • Korean war begins

    Korean war begins
    The war started june 25th and ends on july 27th 1953.
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
  • Vietnam war begins

  • First man walk

    First man walk
    Apollo 11 took off on July 16, 1969 sending Armstrong and Aldrin and Collins into space for the first time. Nell Armstrong was the first man ever to walk onto the moon.
  • U.S. involvement in Vietnam ends.

    U.S. involvement in Vietnam ends.
  • Saigon Falls

    Saigon Falls
  • John Lennon

    John Lennon
    was a song writer that pretested the war. He and Ono got came up with pretest “hair peace” “bed peace”, they got a lot of attention from the press. John Lennon was almost kick out of the country because of his marijuana, but it was really the fact that Nixon spy and wire tap his phone, because the famous singer was making him look.
  • collapse of Soviet Union

    collapse of Soviet Union
  • Hostages of Iran crisis

    Hostages of Iran crisis
    November 4, 1997 The U.S. took in Shaw to help because of his cancer. Iranian stormed then U.S. Embassy in Tehran took more than 60 American hostages. After 444 days the hostages was set free just hour after President Regan speech.
  • Americans start to enter Iraq

    Americans start to enter Iraq
  • 9/11

    U.S. airplanes was hijacked and crashed into the twins tower and the pentagon.
  • U.S. Patriot Act

    U.S. Patriot Act
    Act After 9/11 the government created the patriot act. This act punishes, deter and punish or prevent terrorist acts.
  • North Korea conducts is first nuclear test

    North Korea conducts is first nuclear test
    intention to conduct a test on 3rd October, six days prior, and in doing so became the first nation to give warning of its first nuclear test. The blast was estimated to have an explosive force of less than one kiloton, and some radioactive output was detected.
  • President Obama

    President Obama
    On November 4, President Obama was the first black President elected in U.S. history.