
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This book was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was extremely popular, so popular that it was written in different languages so everyone could read it. The book is about Uncle Tom (a slave) and the experiences he has to go through. This book caused a lot of tension between the North and the South because the south though the book misrepresented slavery and made it look bad. The north were more emotionally connected to the book. Both sides disagreed with each other which created tension.
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    This party formed to oppose of slavery. After the Whigs party ended, many former members who were anti slavery met in Wisconsin to form the party. Most of the republican party's supporters lived in the North, while people in the South didn't support its creation. In their first election they had won 11 of the 16 northern states. Forming the party created tension because the south felt threatened by the parties growing supports. South threatened succession if they won the 1860 election.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The passing of this act allowed people living in the Kansas and Nebraska territory to decide for themselves if slaver would be allowed in their state. This act overthrow the Missouri Compromise and introduced the idea of popular sovereignty. This created tensions because both pro slavery and anti slavery settlers were rushing to settle in these territories. This caused problems when determining if slavery would be allowed. A lot of fighting and violence broke out because of this act.
  • Beginning of Bloody Kansas

    Beginning of Bloody Kansas
    After the Missouri Compromise was overthrown and popular sovereignty was put into effect, many pro slavery and free state settlers moved to Kansas. Each side was trying to gain enough followers so they could add Kansas to their territory. Things became violent when both sides started fighting to gain control. Tensions continued to rise between the North and the South as they fault each other for Kansas. It was very bloody and many people died. Ended in 1861
  • Brooks Sumner Incident

    Brooks Sumner Incident
    South Carolina representative, Brooks, severally beat Senator Sumner of Massachusetts with a cane in the Senate Chamber. The attack was a response to a speech Sumner gave which addressed the issue of slavery. The injures Sumner experienced never fully recovered. This caused tensions between the North and the South because it showed how violent the South is. Norther's would be angry that one of their supporters were attacked by a southern person, which would anger both sides and start violence
  • Election 1856

    Election 1856
    Pierce was denied by the Democratic part, so the new nominee of the Democratic party, James Buchanan, went against Republican nominee John C. Fremont and American Party (know nothings) nominee Millard Fillmore. Buchanan won the election. He supported the idea of slavery which helped him gain the Souths support. This was the first election that voting was divided among the sectional lines. Both North and South had to elect a president which caused tension because they both have different beliefs.
  • Dred Scott's Trail

    Dred Scott's Trail
    This case was fought over for a really long time because it was so controversial. Scott was a slave who was brought into free territory by his master. Scott went to court demanding his freedom because he entered into free territory. The court ruled against Scott because they believed he had no rights to sue; he was only "Property." He was once again made a slave. During this case the Court also declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. North thought this was wrong, so tensions rose.
  • LeCompton Constitution

    LeCompton Constitution
    One of four proposed constitutions for the state of Kansas. It was written by pro slavery people. The constitution protected slave holding and left out free blacks from the Bill of Rights. This constitution wanted to protect slavery and make Kansas a slave state; however, it was rejected by congress and the president. This would increase North and South tensions because it was still undecided if Kansas would allow slavery or not. Therefore, both sides continued to fight over the territory.
  • House Divided Speech

    House Divided Speech
    This speech was given by Abraham Lincoln to address the issues occurring ( the slave debate) which were tearing the nation apart. Because the nation was so divided many people thought a civil war would occur, which Lincoln addressed in his speech.He expressed how slavery would soon be made legal if something didn't change. Lincoln didn't think the country could remain divided which is why he gave the speech.Both sides were taken by the speech.Slavery was further argued which raised tensions.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Lincoln Douglas Debate
    A series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party candidate, and Douglas, the Democratic Party candidate. Both debated about slavery. Lincoln believed slavery was bad and needed to end. He also went against Douglas's believe of popular sovereignty and said that it was false. Lincoln got approval by the Republican Party to run against Douglas in the next election. Douglas won.Lincolns lost would have angered anyone who opposed of slavery which continued to create tensions.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    John Brown led a small group of people to raid a federal military base in Harper's Ferry, Virginia. He did this in attempts to start a slave uprising. Brown was an abolitionist who wanted to bring an end to slavery because he thought it was Gods wish. Brown and his group were surrounded the next day and arrested. Brown had to go through many trials, but in the end was executed. This would cause tensions because the south would be angry about someone attacking them and trying to arm the slaves.
  • John Brown Trial & Execution

    John Brown Trial & Execution
    John Brown was but on trial for leading a raid on a federal army base. Brown wanted to steal the weapons and help arm slaves for an uprising; however, he was caught and put on trial for treason, murder, and helping the slaves. Brown was found guilty of his actions and executed on December 2, 1859. This trial helped speed up the need for a Civil War because many abolitionist were angry. They began helping slaves by arming them and helping them leave slave territory.
  • Election 1860

    Election 1860
    The republican party nominated Abraham Lincoln as its candidate for president. The republicans wanted to stop the spread of slavery. Because of the Dred Scott's case and unwilling to accept popular sovereignty the Democrats split and nominated two people. Vice President John C. Breckenridge and Stephen A. Douglas. John C. Bell was also nominated by former Whigs. Slavery was the main issue of the election. Lincoln won the election which upset the south and cause 7 southern states to succeed.
  • South Carolina Succession

    South Carolina Succession
    After Lincoln won the president election SC succeeded from the union. This encouraged other southern states to follow, and by February 1, 1861 five other southern states succeeded. The 6 states met to create a provisional constitution for the Confederate States of America. Lincoln tried to get the south to rejoin but they ignored his plea. War began on April 12, at the federal garrison at Fort Sumter in the Charleston, SC. Many states then began to succeed including VA, NC, TN, and AR.
  • Lincoln's 1st inaugural Address

    Lincoln's 1st inaugural Address
    Lincoln agreed to not interfere with territories were slavery already existed. He also agreed to temporarily move federal government in areas of hostility and disagreement. Lincoln also states that he was against succession. He wanted to keep his support in the north without angering the South more. Shortly after Lincolns 1st inauguration speech a fight broke out in South Carolina, which started the Civil War.