
  • missouri compromise

    Missouri wanted to join the union as a slave state this would upset the balance between free and slave states in congress so the US admitted Maine and Missouri at the same time.
    new fact : between the south and north had been building and was concentrated in the Missouri territory, it was ready to be to the union as a state and they were questioning if it would be a slave or free. source - Georgia info
  • compromise of 1850

    Alexander Stephens and other congressmen liked the compromise of 1850 and wrote the Georgia platform encouraging Georgia and other southern states to vote and pass it.
    new fact; Henry Clay introduced a compromise bill on slavery that included admission of California into the union as a free state but required free states to return escaped slaves. also allow the western territories to vote whether to allow slavery.
    source- Georgia info
  • battle of fort sumter

    the forts commander wouldn't surrender , the confederates opened fire the war began the north soldiers were motivated by patriotism
    new fact: union commander of fort Sumter surrendered to confederate forces , the stars and stripes were lowered from the flag pole and replaced by the confederate stars and bars..
    source - Georgia info
  • battle of gettysburg

    General Lee was forced to retreat in Virginia ending the hope of the confederacy for victory. another affect was to remain neutral and not help the confederacy.
    new fact; Confederates began with a heavy bombardment which the union answered in force. after two hours Lee sent George Pickett and 12,000 soldiers on a massive assault on the union center.
  • sharecropping

    agreed to exchange their labor and a portion of their crops to a land owner in return for land to work. caused themselves in debt and couldn't get out of the system
    New Fact ; freed slaves in Georgia were left with few options as free laborers .following the civil war plantation owners without slaves or money to pay a free labor force. A quote "forty acres and a mule".
    New Georgia encyclopedia
  • Ku Klax Klan

    slave owners tried to keep them under control they terrorized African Americans and used violence.
    New fact;