
Da Ghost Prod Impact

  • Pascal Cataye 's birth ^^

    Pascal Cataye 's birth ^^
    At Saint-Martin-d'Heres (38) in France
  • Let's go to Reunion Island...

    Let's go to Reunion Island...
    the sun, the nature, the sun, the beach, the calm...
  • Baccalaureat Scientific spe. Biology

    yes, you don't dream it's a big conversion after, but in fact it's a long story ;)
    But i'll never regret this and now it still serve me ^^
  • Come back in France in the 13...

    ... Marseille, just to have my BTS of Visual Communication.
  • My BTS of Visual Communication !

    My BTS of Visual Communication !
    Yes, it's a big day, after 3 violent years of formation, i had it. So it was just the beginning of all, 'cause there was many people on the starting blocks of graphic job.
  • I'm engaged on my first agency...

    I'm engaged on my first agency...
    Factory Production based on the French Riviera took me in their line for 4 years and i really thank them 'cause it was a big formation in the real world of communication...
  • Official creation of Da Ghost Prod

    Official creation of Da Ghost Prod
    After a lot of night spend to work for me instead i work for an agency at the same time, my body said me STOP !!! and so... i created Da Ghost Prod to work alone...
  • My demission ...

    With Da Ghost Prod, it was very hard to keep my kob at Factory Prod, so i decided to leave them and continued alone my experience.
  • Da Ghost Prod first entry

    Da Ghost Prod first entry
    Welcome on my new timeline, a new way for me to keep everybody tuned about all of my works on Da Ghost Prod, so see you next and keep tuned ^^
  • New artwork for a cover design by Pascal Cataye

    New artwork for a cover design by Pascal Cataye
  • 4 new artwork by Da Ghost Prod !!!!

    Yes, you don't beleive it ^^
    So on Da Ghost Prod you can find :
    - a new Step by Step of a cover design project (WIP)
    - a new animation featured for Herbelin
    - a logo animation for Station K agency
    - and the full cover design of the band The Downspiral to Hell !!!!
    I said you i will put many work, and i do it. And it's not finish, so see you next week !!!
    bye ;)
  • Da Ghost Prod 's showreel

    Da Ghost Prod 's showreel
  • Showreel of Da Ghost Prod 2006-2008

    Showreel of Da Ghost Prod 2006-2008
    Hi, i publish a showreel of my animated works, it's not a big production but just a presentation of some works, so let's see : http://tinyurl.com/5ezmxt
  • Run from The Exit video clip created by DaGhostProd

    Run from The Exit video clip created by DaGhostProd
    Discover the first video clip of the band Boys 1Sst Time created and produced by Pascal Cataye from Da Ghost Prod. See on Youtube Daghostprod pageSee on DailyMotion DaGhostProd pageSee on DaGhostProd Vimeo