
  • Great Northern War Between The Swedish and Russian Empires

  • Queen Annes War

    The second French and Indian war which occurred while Anne was the Queen of Great Britain
  • Yamasee War

    This was a conflict fought in South Carolina between the Yamaese and the British settlers from the province of Carolina
  • The First Great Awakening

    They were aiming to revive man's relationship with God
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Putting a more centralized government over the British North American Colonies
  • Daniel Boone blazes the wilderness trail to establish Boonesborough

  • Jean DuSable establishes a trading post

    The trading post was at the mouth of the Chicago River and this contributed to the fur trade
  • Treaty of Paris

    The British ceded the territory that was east of the Mississippi to the United States and American Independence was recognized and they grew immensely