New Orleans By Alison Longwell

  • A French Foothold

    Through the 1740's- New Orleans city engineers build more and more levees with the increasing flood levels by this year there are now 10 miles of levees since 1732.
  • Into American Hands

    P.O Hebert warns the people of New Orleans of danger of the floods. Stating that levees estend higher up the river. Putting the lower cities in more danger.
  • Levees Only Policy

    The worst flood until Katrina in the Mississippi River opens 200 breaches in the river. Levees continue to break leaving New Orleans in a flood stage for 91 days.
  • Spillways and Sprawl

    Congress passes the 1928 Flood Control Act. Stating that the Mississippi River needs more than levees but also spillways and reservours; one spillway begins to build at Bonnet Carre near Lake Pontchartrain and into undeveloped areas
  • Hurricane Season

    From 1559-1969 160 record hurricanes an average of one hurricane every 25 years. Then sending them to develop its first hurricane protection for the city/state
  • Modern Times

    Hurricane Katrina kills 1000 and leaves 100,000 homeless- Hundreds of Billions of Dollars in damage