14.1 Study Guide Timeline

  • The take over of Manchuria

    Manchuria VideoIn September of 1931, Japanese military leaders and Ultra Nationalists thought that Japan should have an empire equal to those of the Western power, causing Japan to over run Manchuria.
  • Italy takes over

    Italy takes over
    Italy Takes Over Ethiopia</a>In Feburary of 1935, Italy took over Ethiopia.
  • Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

    The agreements stated in the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis were that the nations agreed to fight Soviet communism and to not interfear with one anothers plans for territorial expansion.
  • Bombing of Guernica

    Bombing of Guernica VideoTo Nazi leaders, the attack on Guernica in 1937 was an expirement to identify what their new planes could do.
  • The "Rape" of Nanking

    The Rape of Nanking WebsiteAfter the city, Nanking, surrendered, the Japanese killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, brutalized still more, and raped many women, giving it the name, "The Rape of Nanking,"
  • Hilter and the Anschluss

    Hilter was ready to engineer and create the Anschluss, or the union of Austria and Germany.
  • Munich Confrence

    Munich Confrence
    At the Munich Confrence of 1938, Britain and France caved into Hilters demands and they persuaded the Czechs to surrender the sudeteniand without a fight, In excahnge, Hilter assured Britain and France that he had no further plans to extend territory.
  • The appeasement of Hitler

    Britatin and France appeased Hitler because they saw Hitler and fascism as a defense against a worse evil, the spread of Soviet communism.
  • Nazi Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939

    There were secret agreements made between Hitler and Stalin on the Nazi Sovet Non-Aggression Pact. These agreements were that they were not aloud fight if each other other went into war and to divide up Poland and other parts of eastern Europe between them.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland AudioOn September 1,1939, a week after the Nazi-Soviet Pact, German forces invaded Poland.