
Period 5, McClure-Bradney,History of Earth Timeline

  • (5 Billion years ago) Birth of the solar systems

    (5 Billion years ago) Birth of the solar systems
    Formed from interstellar gas and dust. Creates sun.
  • (4.6 BYA) Earth began to form

    (4.6 BYA) Earth began to form
  • (3.8 BYA) Bacteria Diversity

    (3.8 BYA)  Bacteria Diversity
    Single celled bacteria are the oldest known living organism.
  • (3.7 bya) photosynthesizing bacteria

    (3.7 bya) photosynthesizing bacteria
    Can grow larger and reprouduce faster than their competitors.
  • (3.5 BYA) Oldest fossils

    (3.5 BYA) Oldest fossils
    Sromatolites create the first extensive reef system.
  • (2.2 BYA) Oxygen in the enviorment

    (2.2 BYA) Oxygen in the enviorment
    oxygen appears in teh environment, causing damage to living tissue.
  • (1.8 BYA) Oldest eukaryote fossil

    (1.8 BYA) Oldest eukaryote fossil
    Spherical in shape and float ar or near the surface of water.
  • (800 mya) Global ice age

    (800 mya) Global ice age
    Firt of four ice ages.
  • (600 mya) Protective ozone layer in place

    (600 mya) Protective ozone layer in place
    Sheild critical factor in the emergence and survival of complex life and land.
    Protected organisms from harmful UV rays so they could exsist on land.
  • (480 mya) Fishes and land plants

    (480 mya) Fishes and land plants
    Hag fishes and lampreys are the only jawless fishes alive today.
  • (400 mya) Oxygen nears present day levels

    (400 mya) Oxygen nears present day levels
    Levels of 21 percent by volume of atmosphere.
  • (350 mya) Reptiles

    (350 mya) Reptiles
    Early reptiles share many skeletal similarities with amphibians.
  • (250 mya) Permian extinctions

    (250 mya) Permian extinctions
    90 % of all species go extinct.
  • (220 mya) Mammals and Dinosours

    (220 mya) Mammals and Dinosours
    Earlyest are rodentline and solitary. Inverebrate genera possible land go extinct.
  • (200 mya) Pangea starts to break apart

    (200 mya) Pangea starts to break apart
    Heat from deep within cause the pangaea supercontinent to separate.
  • (65 mya) Cretaceous extinction

    (65 mya) Cretaceous extinction
    60-80% of all species go extinct.
  • (60 mya) Primates

    (60 mya) Primates
    Live in trees in tropical or subtropic areas.
  • (5.2 mya) Hominids

    (5.2 mya) Hominids
    Begain to appear.
  • (100,000 years) Modern Humans

    (100,000 years) Modern Humans
    Larger brain cases the most difference from all others.
  • (100,000 years) pleistocene extinction

    (100,000 years) pleistocene extinction
    Nearly all mammals and birds over 40 pounds go extinct. Partically due to humans over hunting.