The August Revolution

  • Japan throwing over vietnam

    Japan throwing over vietnam
    the Imperial Japan overthrew the Vichy French administration of Jean Decoux in French Indochina. French officials and soldiers were arrested. The Japanese reinstated Bảo Đại as Emperor and created a puppet government
  • US helping Vietnam

    US helping Vietnam
    the cooperation between US officials and the Vietnamese communists was demonstrated when Major Archimedes Patti, of the US Office of Strategic Services, met with Hồ Chí Minh and received a message of warmth and solidarity from Hồ; shipments of arms and instructors were increased.
  • Japanese in control

    Japanese in control
    the Japanese surrendered to the Allies. In Indochina, the Japanese officials took advantage of the situation to cause additional problems for the Allies. Violating the surrender agreements, they helped Vietnamese nationalist groups, including the Việt Minh, to take over public buildings in various cities
  • The Great Uprising

    The Great Uprising
    the Việt Minh under Hồ Chí Minh began the August General Uprising [Tổng Khởi Nghĩa], which was soon renamed the August Revolution
  • Vietnam destroying

    Vietnam destroying
    Bảo Ðại was forced to abdicate in favour of Hồ and the Việt Minh. and vietnam was in control
  • Decleration of independance

    Decleration of independance
    The vietnamese delcare the independance. On this day.
  • British helping

    British helping
    The Việt Minh did not resist. In Vietnam south of the 16th parallel, a British occupation force arrived in October 1945. Both forces of occupation had been specified by the Potsdam Conference.