Cold War Missile Crisis (Mr. McHugh)

  • Beginning of Cuba missile Crises

    Beginning of Cuba missile Crises
    President Kennedy is informed of the missile build-up
  • Period: to

    Cuba missile Crises

    The outline of Cuba missile Crises
  • Kennedy Decision

    Kennedy Decision
    Blockade in Cuba is decided by President Kennedy
  • Sovient Union to take out the Missiles

    Sovient Union to take out the Missiles
    Kennedy declares build a blockade around Cuba and says to USSR stop sending missiles. Khrushchev didn't like this idea and it thinks that this act is provocative.
  • Khrushchev's Letter

    Khrushchev's Letter
    Khrushchev didn't accept what Kennedy said and he wouldn't take out the weapons of Cuba. Khrushchev didn't admit that in Cuba has Nuclear Weapons.
  • Blockade Begins

    Blockade Begins
    Blockade is finally built. USSR ship carrying the Missiles are going towards Cuba. Suddenly they stop at 10,32am and turns around
  • Secret Revealed

    Secret Revealed
    Missiles are being produced rapidly in Cuba. This is discovered by the aerial photographs
  • Khrushchev admits that Cuba has missiles

    Khrushchev admits that Cuba has missiles
    Khrushchev admits that Cuba has missiles and it says that it is a way defend from other countries.
  • Attack happens

    Attack happens
    Khrushchev tries to make a deal with Kennedy. USSR wants that Kennedy take out the missiles from Turkey so USSR would take out theirs from Cuba. Kennedy doesn't accept the proposal, so Cuba shots down U-2plane of USA and the pilot dies. Kennedy gets really angry and he wants to attack Cuba, but it would lead to war so he delays it and ignores Khrushchev proposal and Kennedy gives a warning of if USSr doesn't withdraw USA would attack them.
  • Final decision

    Final decision
    Khrushchev withdraw the missiles to avoid the nuclear war and they go back to USSR.