US History timeline "civil war"

  • missouri compromise

    missouri compromise
    36 30' line. below slave above free. Missouri to be a slave state and maine to be a free state.
  • Whig party

    Whig party
    Winfield Scott ran for president in 1852 but he lost. There was northern and southern whigs.
  • democratic

    Buchanan won 1856 election. He had no north or south preference.
  • Wilmont Priviso

    Wilmont Priviso
    Territories bought from mexico can't have slaves. It was never passed.
  • Free-Soil

    supported restrictive laws on blacks. depended on waged based labor.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Created fugitive slave act. California created as a state and chose to be free. mexican territories could vote.
  • Fugitive act

    Fugitive act
    Slave catchers can go into free states to get slaves back. Anyone who helps a slave escape is a criminal. Part of the compromise of 1850.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this. It opened people's eyes to slavery and changed the american view on it.
  • Know-Nothings

    Also known as the american party. They split on the slavery issue.
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    a summer where over 200 people were murdered. violent because of anti-slavery and pro-slavery debates.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Kansas Nebraska act
    Stephen Douglas came up with it with the idea for popular sovereignty and for states to decide free or slave. Abolished the Missouri compromise.
  • Republican

    opposed the kansas-nebraska act. lacked national organization.
  • Attack on Lawrence

    Attack on Lawrence
    pro-slavery settlers attacked anti-slavery settlers. The south was protecting their lifestyle.
  • Sumner-Brooks Incident

    Sumner-Brooks Incident
    Brooks beat up sumner because he said something bad about his uncle senator butler . South said Brooks did the right thing standing up for the southern way of life. Sumner was viewed as a martyar in the north.
  • Pottawatomie Creek

    Pottawatomie Creek
    john brown killed 5 people in an anti slavery act. the south saw it as an attack on their lifestyle.
  • Dred Scott vs Sanford

    Dred Scott vs Sanford
    slave tried to win his freedom. his owner died and his family moved to a free state. But he was denied.