Supreme Court Cases

  • Creation of Supreme COurt

    The supreme court is the head of the judicial branch and it's main purpose is to make sure that all decisions made are constitutional. The Supreme COurt deciphers the laws and makes sure America remains governed by the constitution.
  • John Jay

    John Jay was amde the first Supreme Court Justice of the U.S.. He commishioned the Jay Treaty with Great Britain which greatly improved the relations between the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • John Marshall

    John Marshall was the longest serving Chief Justice in history. He established that the Supreme Court has the right to exercise judicial review; the power to write down laws that violate the constitution.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    William Marbury petitioned the Supreme Court to force Madison to deliver the commision that Marbury had been denied when he was appointed to Justce of the Peace in D.C.. With John Marshall as Cheif Justice, Marbury's petition was denied by the court and the court ruled in favor of Madison because they found Marbury's claim "unconstitutional".
  • Fletcher vs. Peck

    One of the first cases in which the Supreme Court ruled a stae law unconstitutional, Peck had bought land under the 1795 act, which divided the land that is now Mississippi and Alabama into four tracts and sold them to private buyers, one of them being Fletcher. Fletcher then took Peck to trial saying Peck didn't have the clear title to the land when it was sold to Fletcher.
  • Dartmouth College vs. Woodward

    THe president of Dartmouth College was fired by the trustees of the college which led to the New Hampshire legislature ateempt the college to become a public institution which would ultimately place the ability to appoint trustees to the government. This was one of the first cases dealing with the contract clause of the U.S. Constitution to private corporations.
  • McCulloch vs. Maryland

    Maryland tried to impede the operation of a branch of the Second Bank of the U.S. The state tried to put a tax on all banknotes of banks not chartered in Maryland. THe Court used the Mecessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution, which provides the federal government to pass laws provided for in the Constitution's list of express laws.
  • Gibbons vs. Ogden

    Robert R. Livingston and Robert Fulton were granted exclusive navigation of all the waters within the jurisdiction of the state, with only boats powered by fire or steam. The two gave Ogden a license to also operate boats powered by fire or steam. Gibbons, who operated a competing steam boat business. Ogden asked that the state not allow Gibbons to operate in the waters. The court ruled in favor of Ogden and restricted him from operating in the waters within the jurisdiction fo the state.