Chapter 11_ Imperialism

  • McKinley Tariff

    This increased the tax on imports to the U.S. This impoved industrialization and jobs.
  • Teller Amendment

    This amendment ensured that the U.S. would not keep permanent control over Cuba after Spain lost control.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The U.S. and Spain were fighting in Cuba. The speculation of the explosion of the war ship Maine cause the U.S. to delcare war on Spain.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    A new government was formed by Sanford B. Dole, but the U.S. government refused to recognize it. With the election of President William McKinley Hawaii was officially annexed.
  • Annexation or Philippines

    Annexation or Philippines
    The U.S. defeats Spain in the Phillippines under Commodore George Dewey. Spain loses control of the Phillipines.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    A rebellion by Chinese in which 200 people were killed because of the dislike of missionaries coming to China.
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    This gave the U.S. over 10 mile wide soveriengty for a canal zone.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt created this to enforce the Monroe Doctrine because the Dominican Republic was unable to repay its money it borrowed from Europe.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    This made it so if a country in the western hemisphere was unstable and looked like it would become under control of Europe, that the U.S. had the right to intervene.
  • The Great White Fleet

    The Great White Fleet
    The United States navy circumnaviagted the earth.This was done to show the growth of the U.S. power.
  • U.S. and the Panama Canal

    U.S. and the Panama Canal
    The U.S. went down to Panama to create the Panama Canal. This was done to show the power of the U.S. During the process many died from explosions and from yellow fever.