Reflective Web Media Creation

By vfowler
  • permission granted to use audio track

    permission granted to use audio track
    SoundCloud user little weird orchestra granted permission to use music track winter breeze in RMWC project.
  • A3 RMWC Pitch submitted

    A3 RMWC Pitch submitted
    1500 words...
  • permission granted to screencast his slidecast

    permission granted to screencast his slidecast
    Ariel Schlesinger granted permission to screencast his PechaKucha slidecast at
  • Capture screencast of flickr group Minor Urban Disasters

    Capture screencast of flickr group Minor Urban Disasters
    Flickr: Minor Urban Disasters to be screencast using free Firefox add-on Capture Fox.
  • Capture screencast of PechaKucha slidecast

    Capture screencast of PechaKucha slidecast
    Ariel Schlesinger's talk was recorded and mixed with his slides then posted on the PechaKucha website. Record a screencast (with audio) of the first 3 slides presented.
  • Gather photos from Flickr Commons pool

    Gather photos from Flickr Commons pool
    Search Flickr Commons for suitable cultural photographs.
  • Review pitch feedback from tutor

    Make adjustments as necessary.
  • Arrange resources in video editing software

    Arrange resources in video editing software
    Windows Live Movie Maker will be used to arrange the video, audio and image files.
  • Upload to Vimeo

    Upload to Vimeo
    Upload the video to vimeo then add metatags and all the credits to the description. Apply a CC-non-comercial-share-alike license.
  • Test. Embed?

    Test. Embed?
    Provided everything runs according to plan, now is the time to check whether the Vimeo site can do everything needed (all credits displayed as desired, etc.). If not, the fallback plan is to embed the video on my blog page for the RMWC where I have more control over the layout, functionality and aesthetics.
  • Share with classmates

    Share with classmates
    Tweet the link to #web207 to request feedback from classmates and tutors.
  • Reflective Web Media Creation due

    Reflective Web Media Creation due
    Submit coversheet and URL to BlackBoard.
  • Notify attributors

    Notify attributors
    Send notification link (Flickr mail) to attributors whose works have been remixed in my RMWC project, and 'dotpolka' whose photo couldn't be included due to time constraints.
    little wierd orchestra (SoundCloud mail)
    Ariel Schlesinger
    MUD Flickr group contributors