
Williams Shakespear e

By bbbs
  • Apr 26, 1564

    The Birth of Williams Shakespeare

    The Birth of Williams Shakespeare
    William Shakespeare was born and Baptized on April, 26, 1564. At the holy trinity church in Stratford. Shakespeare’s Father was a wool dealer and a money lender. His mother was Mary and his Dads name was John
  • Sep 4, 1570


    In 1570 WIlliam started to attend Grammer school, Starting his amazing future as a writer.
  • Apr 15, 1571

    Begins formal education

    Begins formal education
    Shakespeare is likely to have begun his formal education. By local tradition, children in the Stratford area, entered the local grammar school at age seven.
  • Jun 9, 1572

    williams first play

    wiliams father takes him to his first play
  • May 17, 1575

    William saw the queens procession

    William saw the queens procession
    Queen Elizabeth pays a visit to Kenilworth Castle, just a short journey from Stratford. Legend has it that an impressionable eleven year old William saw the Queen’s procession, and recreated it several times later in his historical and dramatic plays.
  • Sep 14, 1582

    William gets married

    William gets married
    Shakespeare is in love... At age 18, he marries the considerably older Anne Hathaway (26 years old) from Shottery on November the 27th at Temple Grafton, a village just five short miles (8 km) from Stratford
  • William has twins

    Shakespeare’s twins, Judith and Hamnet are born, (February 2)Hamnet living only eleven years whilst Judith lived 77.
  • William writes his first play

    Shakespeare is believed by most academics to have written his very first play, Henry VI, Part One in this year
  • William writes venus and adonis

    William writes venus and adonis
    Shakespeare is thought to have written the poem Venus and Adonis and the plays Richard III and The Two Gentlemen of Verona.
  • Anne hathaway dies

    Anne hathaway dies
    Shakespeare’s wife, Anne Hathaway dies, the same year, and fellow actors John Hemminges and Henry Condell gather together and publish for the first time, 36 of Shakespeare’s 37 plays in a collection known as The First Folio.