big bang theory

  • Theory of relativity

    Einstein created a relativity theory about gravity that was more accurate than Newton's.
  • expanding universe

    the thought that the universe was expanding was thought to be impossible.
  • albert einstein

    Einstein had already introduced his theory of relativity, and produceda model of space based on the theory that space was curved by gravity
  • Friedmann

    Alexander Friedmann used field equations to figure out that the universe was expanding
  • Lemaître

    Lemaître wrote an article suggesting the Big Bang Theory but he did not have the data to back it up. He used Einstein's theory of relativity.
  • gjalaxies

    an oversation was taken and it was noted that all distant galaxies and clusters hav a velosity that is directed away from our vantige point
  • hubble's law

    hubbles law, stated that galaxy are moving away from each other at an ever increasing rate
  • hubble

    hubble was able to calculate the distance of an object in the universe by the velocity oft the object
  • edwin hubble

    hubble anounced that galaxies out side of the milky way were moving away from us at the distace they are from us
  • hubble digram

    hubble made his measrements and compared them to the red shift and it made a famous hubble digram