
  • Rock Flashback

    This helps show Steve's character. Steve can not take blame.
  • Film Class Flashback

    Also helps build Steve's charcter, he is involved in an extra curricular activity. Steve enjoys making films, He is makinng Monster.
  • Super Hero flashback with Jerry

    Steve and Jerry talked about super hero's and super powers. Shows Steve's charcter at home.
  • The murder

    Steve gets involved in a crime. He is involved by people saying he was the look-out and gave the all clear signal. Without this the story would not a have conflict.
  • Woman/Basketball Flashback

    The women were talking about the murder and Steve over heard and dropped his basketball and ran away.
  • Steve gets arrested

    When the police come Mrs. Harmon answers the door and starts panicing. When they hand cuffed Steve and his mom looked at him and he turned his head she probably thinks he did it.
  • Trial Starts

    The trial begins. The judge already looks bored with the case. No one is taking it serious but Steve's life depends on how the case turns out.
  • Suicide Journal Entry

    Steve writes that actually living in jail is part of the punishment.
  • Journal Entry About Being A Bad Person

    Steve knows that deep in his heart he is not a bad person. He may look like he is one but he knows he isn't.
  • Admits being in the drugstore

    Steve admits he was in the drugstore the day the murder took place.
  • Steve's movie

    Steve decides he is going to make his life into a movie. He is going to call it what the prosecuter called him, MONSTER.
  • I'm not guilty

    Steve tells Mrs. O'brien that he is not guilty. She says he should of said he didn't do it.
  • Miss O'brien visits Steve

    She tells Steve that Bobo's testimony hurt them. It made Steve look more like Bobo and King. Says Steve needs to testify.
  • King's cousin testifies

    Moore tells the judge and jury that King was at her house that day and gave her a lamp. King robbed the drugstore because he had no money so he couldn't have had enough to buy her a lamp. She doesn't have the lamp anymore. She is King's cousin.
  • Mrs. Henry

    Mrs. Henry was in the drugstore and saw King. She identified him when police showed her pictures. She felt bad testifying against a black man.
  • Steve's Dad Visits Jail

    Steve asks his dad if he thinks he is guilty, and his dad didn't answer. Both Steve and his dad sob.
  • Bobo testifies

    Bobo says King and him did the real crime. He had never actually seen Steve before but says he gave them the all clear signal. Steve couldn't have gave the all clear signal because Mrs. Henry was in the drugstore.
  • Steve testifies

    Steve tells his side of the story. This helps make him different from King and Bobo in the eyes of the jury.
  • Guilty?

    Steve says Miss O'brien thinks he is guilty along with the jury.
  • Ending statements

    O'brien, Briggs, and Petrocelli give there final say. Petrocelli calls all the crimnals 'Monsters'.
  • Hating jail

    Steve hates hates hates hates hates hates hates jail. He can't explain how much he hates it.
  • The verdict

    Steve is found not guilty, King is found guilty.
  • Steve's life now

    Steve tells about how he doesn't know who he is. And about how his dad and him don't really talk.