10 Key Events

  • Electricity

    Ben franklin tied a key to the bottom of a kite to prove that lightening and static electricity are the same thing. This discovery made way for many great inventions to come.
  • Bioelectricity

    Luigi Galvani proved that nerve cells passing through muscles is a form of electricity.
  • Electromagnetic Induction

    Electromagnetic Induction
    Generation of energy in a wire, producing an electrical current. Michael Faraday
  • Electric Motor

    Electric Motor
    Thomas Davenport invented the electrical motor which is still used in many machines today.
  • Fuel Cell

    Fuel Cell
    Sir William Robert Grove developed the first fuel cell that creates energy by combining hydrogen and oxegyn.
  • Electrical Telegraph

    Electrical Telegraph
    Samuel Morse invented a device that could send messages along a long wire and he called it and Electrical telegraph
  • Lightbulb

    Thomas Eddison invented the light bulb that could run for 40 hours without burning out. it took many tries but he finally succeeded in making an incandescent light bulb.
  • FIrst Battery

    FIrst Battery
    Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville patented the first battery.
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Alexander Graham Bell
    He created the Photophone which is considered the world's first wireless phone and it allowed sound to be conversed in a fast pace.
  • Lasers

    Albetr Eistein est theoretic foundation for lasers for absorbtion and emmision of electromagentic radiation.