Zeth and Leevis Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Discovers America

    If Columbus didn't discover America than we would not be living here today.
  • Mayflower Sails to America

    The Mayflower carried the first settelers to America
  • Benjamin Franklin Born

    Benjamin Franklin helped with the signing of the Decleration of Independance
  • Revolutionary War Begins

    The Revolutionary War freed America from Great Britian
  • War of 1812

    The British attempt to restrict America's trade. The War of 1812 led to nationalism and expansion westward.
  • Underground Railroad Established

    Path that helped slaves escape.
  • Texas Declares Independance from Mexico

    Texas would still be under the control of Mexico
  • California Gold Rush

    It motivated immagrants to move to the U.S to become rich it also made the U.S more wealthy
  • Civil War Begins

    The Civil War freed the slaves from the Confederates.
  • Lincoln Shot

    Aberaham Lincoln was shot by John Wills Boothe.