Zakk E. , Mr. Sehl , American History , 1015-16

  • Chapter 1 Kbats

    Migrate- move from one region to another
    Adobe- clay bricks used to build homes and huts by settlers
    the penaissance- a rebirth of culture
    Prince Henry the Navigator-Prince who sent out captains out and found america
    Christopher Colombus- travelled nation to nation and discovered America on a short route to asia
    columbian exchange- global transfer of live stock
    Iroquois league- Natives groups who come to live in peace together
    Conquistador- spanish conquorer of mexico and peru
  • Chapter 2 Kbats

    pesido-spanish military who took land from natives
    mestico- a mix of spanish and native ancestry
    NW passage- sea routconnecting atlantand pacific
    joint stock company-company whose stock are owned bu sharehoklers
    john smith- navigator from britain
    house of bugesses- 1st represented bpdy in america
    Bacpns rebellion-fight between indians and whates after white cross over he Apolation mountains
    puritans- christians who moved necause of religiuos reasons
    Mayflower Compact-1st govermtn document of
  • Chapter 3 Kbats

    Indentured Servant- a person who worked to pay off passage to US
    middle passage-part of triangular passage and africans sent to slavery
    magna carta-gave freedom to anyone who becomes a leader
    Bill of rights-gave freedom of speech and got rid of harsh punishment
    Nabeus Corpus- right to bring someone to court to prove they are guilty
    Salutory Neglect-england reduced regulations to keep econimic peace with colonies
  • Chapter 3 Kbats cont.

    Mercantilism- a country can be self efficient
    Enlightment- 18th century movement increase in technology
    great awareness- reintroduction of religion to colonies
    Cash crop- crops made by farmers to sell
  • Chapter 5 Kbats

    Bicameral Legislature-idea for US government in 1700 for two parties in legislature
    Articles of confederation-Laws of the US 1782-89
    NW Ordinance-1787 gave right to ohio to have bill of rights and be considered states
    Shays Rebellion-protest in 1786-87 by farmers against taxes
    The great compromise-Each house had an amount of representives for each state depending on size
    The federalist-Collection of papers and essasy by A. Hamilton, J Madison, and J. Jay
  • Chapter 5 Kbats cont.

    Popular Sovereignty- goverment was created and controlled by the people and elected representitives
    Limited Goverment- a goverment which is controlled by the people
    Seperations of power- act of seperation legistlated, executive and judicial branches so neither goverment gets to much power
    Checkes and balances- each branch keeps balance in control
  • Chapter 7-9 Kbats

    Interchangable Parts-By eli whitney, pats can be made to replace others
    Erie Canal-1825, connected erie canaland great lakes to hudson river
    Cotton Gin-1793, increased cotton production
    American System- a plan for a new form of federalism
    henry clay- representive of kenntucky whos also a senate
    Monroe doctrine- foreign policy by Monroe that said the US was no longer able to colonize
    William LLoyd Gamson- paper editor who writes about abolishment of slavery
  • Chapter 7-9 Kbats cont.

    Aboliton movement- effort by balck and whites to end slavery
    Seneca Falls Convention- 1st convention for womens rights, civil and social rights
    Utopian Communition-people who tried to create a perfect society
    California Gold rush- gold found in Western California
  • Battle of Fort Sumpter

    -1 day battle
    -Charleston, SC
    -April 12,1861
    -Confeds attack the Union Fort
    -Major Robert Anderson- Union
    -General Beugard- Confeds -80 Union/500 Confeds
    -Confederates demanded surrender and the union rejected
    -Union later surrenders
    -Casualties: 1 (union), 0 (confeds) -Abe L. decided to resupply Fort Sumter- Confederates decide to attack
    -First battle of Civil War
    -Made many Northerners enlist for Union
  • Anaconda Plan

    The end rebellion by confederacy
    -By General Winfield Scott
    -Plan to black off any supplies of the south and stop all commerce, so no cotton could be exported
    -Nickname came from the way the snake constricts its victims -Blocked cotton, tobacco, and other cash crops and imports of necessary war supplies
  • First Battle of Bull Run Part 2.

    -Lincoln requested to have 5,000 men inlist and rebuild the union Army Leaders. Generals:
    -P.G.T Beauegard
    -Joseph E. Johnston
    -Irvin McDowell
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    -in Fairfax County and Prince William County, Virginia
    -Known as "First Manasses" by the confederates
    -Union was slow to position themselves, allowing the Confederates to arrive on time
    -both had about 18,000 poorly trained men at battle for them
  • Battle of Shiloe

    -Pittsburg Landing,Hardin County,Tennessee
    -Ulysses S. Grant in Tenessese
    -Grant: 30,000
    -Don Carlo Buell of ohio
  • Battle of Antietam

    North: George B Mcclellan
    South: Robert E Lee Tactics:
    -Stop invasion
    -out number
    -attacking sides
    -Invade maryland
    -defensive Woman:
    -7 Union (none died)
    -1 Confederates (died) Contributions:
    -Repelled South
    -Emancipation Proclamation
    -Lifted North Morals
    -Horrors of War
  • Battle of Atlanta

    north: 34,000
    -3,600 casualties
    south: 40,000
    -In SE Atlanta, Georgia
    -North Won
    -North: William T Sherman
    -South: John Bell Hood Woman:
    -Had a say in politics and housed and sent material to soldiers
    -took men's places when they went to war
  • Sharman's March

    -William T Sherman, Ulysses S. Grant
    -62,000 men in two columns
    -Atlanta to Savannah rampage The south
    -vs. tennessee (gen. howard)
    -vs Georgia (Gen. Slocm
    -13,000 men
    -100 million in damage
    -lincoln trusted Sherman and let him do as he pleased
    -Sherman freed 15,000 slaves
    -Killed south morals
  • Chapter 12 Kbats

    Reconstruction: Rebuild of the South after the Civil War and allowed southern states back into the union
    Radical Republican: A faction of American politicians in the Republican Party before and after the civil war
    Freedmans Bureau: Refugees and abandoned lands, established to help give land to former slaves or poor white men
  • Chapter 12 Kbats cont.

    14th amendment- july 9,1868 which gave citezenship to all men
    15th amendment- gave the right to black men to vote
    Sharecropping- system of agriculture; a land owner rents out his land in return gets crops
    KKK- 1866; angry racist who killed blacks
    Enforcement Act- 3 bills passed between 1870-79 gave right to vote, be in office, on a jury and be equal african americans
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    in fredericksburg, VA
    -North: Ambrose E Burnside
    -South: Robert E Lee
    -South won
    -Fought on southern territory
    -Sewing circles
    -Waste fabric for bandage
    -Spies or nurses Aftermath
    -Led to blood March
    -union: 13,000
    -confeds: 5,000