Years of Crisis by: Victoria Privitera

  • Period: to

    Treaty of Versailles signed until Germany invaded Poland

    events that happened after Treaty of Versailles was signed until Germany invaded Poland
  • Hitler forms Nazi Party

    Hitler forms Nazi Party
    This party was originally called the German Workers' Party. The party was started immediately after WW1. It was a political party in Germany that practiced Nazism, Adolf Hitler recruited more people to join. I believe this event is historically significant because it was the begining of the holocaust and Hitler's rise to power.
  • Chinese Communist Party is formed

  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party failed to take over the government in Bavaria Germany. Hitler was not happy with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles so he planned to take control and gain power. I believe this event is historically significant because even though the plan failed, it showed Hitler's start to rise in power.
  • Treaty of Berlin signed

  • Kellogg Briand Pact signed

    Kellogg Briand Pact signed
    This pact was an international agreement to stop using war to settle disputes or conflicts. The treaty did not stop the rise of militarism. The agreement was signed by France, U.S., U.K., Ireland, Canada, and more. Later it was signed by 47 more nations. I believe this event is historically significant because the nations are finally understanding that fighting does not solve anything.
  • U.S. issues Stimson Doctrine

    U.S. issues Stimson Doctrine
    This Doctrine was issued by Secretary of State Henry Stimson. After Japan took over Manchuria, Stimson decided to create this Doctrine that stated the U.S. would not agree with any territorial control of China or any territorial changes made by force. The Stimson Doctrine was not successful in stopping the deadly war between China and Japan. I believe this event was historically significant because the U.S. reached out and tried to support China so Japan wouldn't take over.
  • Enabling Act of 1933 approved

    Enabling Act of 1933 approved
    The Enabling Act was to have huge consequences for the citizens of Nazi Germany. This act gave Hitler unlimited power and made him the dictator of Germany. This act passed the Reichstag and Reichsrat and was signed by President Paul Von Hindenburg. The act was the Law to Remove the Distress of the People and the State. I believe this event was historically important because Hitler gained a lot of power from this act.
  • Marco Polo Bridge Incident

    Marco Polo Bridge Incident
    This incident was also known as the Lugouqiao incident. This was a battle between the Republic of China's National Revolutionay Army and the Imperial Japanese Army. The result of the war was thet Japan won and destroyed the bridge along with thousands of chinese troops killed. I believe this event is historically significant because it shows how much power Japan had over China.
  • Nazi Germany completes Anschluss of Austria

  • Nazi Germany captures Czechoslovakia