year 8 project

By wyare
  • 30th June

    I will have the 3 different board shapes cut out and shaped.I​ will be ongoing with the diary with lots of photos and drawings.
  • 31st of July

    I will have the handplanes shaped with a concave, rocker and good rails. I will have most of the website finished. I​ will be ongoing with the diary with lots of photos and drawings.
  • 30th august

    I will have the brand logo created and laser cut into the boards. I​ will be ongoing with the diary with lots of photos and drawings.
  • 30th september

    finished the website. start making more handplanes. sell a few to people who want them. I​ will be ongoing with the diary with lots of photos and drawings.
  • 31st October

    I will have tested the different shapes to see what surf conditions they work best in. just about finish the whole project
  • 04th november

    polish the rough edges of the project and showcase it