WWII Timeline

  • Hitler rises to power

    Hitler rises to power
    Hitler had promised Germany power.Germany believed Hitler, and elected him Chancellor of Germany. Hitler, and Germany take over the government, which shortly after they started to blame the jews for causing the depresion.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    On this day Britian and France declare war on Germany. Two days before this, Germany invades Poland. Poland was not ready for the attack, which started World War II.
  • Chamberlain resigns

    Chamberlain resigns
    Winston Churchill becomes head of the wartime coalition government. Nevilole resigned this day. He resigned because of the pressure from Labour members.
  • France signs armistince with Germany

    France signs armistince with Germany
    Marshall Petain(France) signs armistice. They signed it with Germany. This took the destroyed France out of the war, and into German occupation.
  • The Battle of Britian

    The Battle of Britian
    The battle of Britian Begins. This battle mainly dealed with bombing of cities, and British ports. Hitler wanted to destroy the moral of the British people.
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor
    On this day Japan attacked a military base call Pearl Harbor. America is thrown into war, and the day after President Franklin Roosevelt asks congress to declare war on Japan. Three days after, Germany, and Italy declare war on us.
  • Axis surrender North Africa

    Axis surrender North Africa
    The axis surrender in North Africa. The allies manage to do this. The allies take a step forward in to their winning of the war.
  • The Allies Invade Sicily

    The Allies Invade Sicily
    U.S. and British forces invade Sicily. By the end of August Sicily was fully taken by the Allies. In September the Allies started to go to the Italian mainland.
  • The surrender of Italy

    The surrender of Italy
    The new government of Italy surrendered to U.S. and Britian. Mussilini was taken out of office. Germany freed Mussolini and made him head of Northern Italy.
  • D-Day

    On this day, over 160,000 troops, and 30,000 vehicles land on the beaches of Normandy. The beach was 50 miles long,on the Fortified French coastline. Germany had thought that they could catch the Allies at Calais, but were unable to prevent the Allies from making a bridgehead.