• Why WW2 started

    Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany, marking the beginning of WW2
  • Beginning of WW2

    Germany started the war against U.S.S.R
  • Entry of USA in WW2

    USA was giving their allies military equipment in 1940 but entered in 1941
  • Entry of Japan

    Japan joined the war 2 years later on the 7th of December 1941.
  • When and why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbour

    to prevent the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions
  • What did USA do about the Pearl Harbor attack?

    The United States declared war on Japan on December 8, 1941. Japan's allies, Germany and Italy, declared war on the United States on December 11.
  • Who won WW2?

    the Allies defeated Japan and the Nazi Germany.
  • Countries with more deaths

    Russia,Germany,Polan,Ukraine,Belarus,India and Japan.
  • Countries with least deaths

  • Surrender of Japan

    Japan announced their surrender at the end of WW2