• Treaty of Versailles

    Punished Germany for WW1 by forcing them to pay for the war’s costs, put harsh limits on the size of their army, and forced them to admit total blame for war. Germans faced a huge economic crisis, and inflation increased immensely. Germans resented allies for the treaty.
  • Mussolini becomes Leader

    Mussolini and his fascist supporters marched on Rome and forced King Victor Emmanuel III to give Mussolini the power to control Italy.
  • Hitler Tries to Sieze Power and Goes to Jail

    He led “Beer Hall Putsch” as an attempt to take over the Bavarian Government with early members of the Nazi Party. He hoped that his revolution would inspire the German Army to help him seize control of Berlin. He was sent to Landsberg Jail for 5 years.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    After the Japanese staged an attack on one of their trains; the Japanese invaded Manchuria and created a puppet state known as Manchukuo.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Reluctantly, Paul von Hindenburg allowed Hitler to become Chancellor after Hitler won the election. He hoped to give Franz von Paupen power by appointing him to Vice Chancellor, but Hitler soon became a dictator
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

    Mussolini invades Ethiopia in hopes of creating an “East African” state. This invasion violated Article X of the League of Nations, proving its weakness. Mussolini succeeded and Italian East Africa was created
  • Militarizing the Rhineland

    Defying the Treaty of Versailles, German Military forces began to militarize the land along the Rhine River. Both France and Britain refused to react to this act of resistance to the Treaty of Versailles, which specifically banned the militarization of the Rhineland
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    Civil War in Spain, Franco comes to power

    , Spanish Nationalist generals declared opposition to the controlling republic and a 3 year civil war begun. The Nationalists, led by General Francisco Franco, were aided by German Nazis. Franco became a dictator of Spain.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japanese forces invade China with economic aid from The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. By the end of the year Japan will have taken the capitol of Nanking and commit several brutal war crimes as they kill and assault civilians.
  • The Anschluss

    Germany annexes Austria, but with much approval from the Austrian people, who greeted the Nazis and welcomed their arrival. The Nazis abolished the voting rights of former left wing party members and Jews.
  • Munich Conference

    , Neville Chamberlain from Great Britain and Eduard Daladier from France agreed to allow Germany to annex Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland in hopes that this would please Hitler and prevent a Second World War.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    German forces take over what remains of Czechoslovakia, with much approval from residents of the Sudetenland. This was proof that appeasement would not work for Hitler.b
  • Non Aggresion Pact with Soviet Union

    Foreign Minister of Germany Joachim von Ribbentrop and Foreign Minister of Russia Vyacheslav Molotov signed a Non Aggression pact which declared that Russia and Germany would not go to war over issues, but they would use diplomacy with each other. The pact lasted 2 years.
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    Nazi Invasion of Poland

    Nazi forces take over Poland one week after the signing of the Non-Aggression Pact. To start a conflict, the Nazis staged a polish attack on a radio tower, but it the “saboteur” was a disguised German prisoner. The war lasted only for a month and Poland was split between Germany and the Soviet Union.
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    Battle of the Atlantic

    Countries involved, Britain and the US against GermanyBecause America was home to many raw materials that Britain was reliant on, the Germans decided to hunt down ships that were carrying supplies to Britain. The goal was to starve Great Britain out of World War 2. This campaign lasted the duration of the War. The Germans used a tactic known as wolf pack, where U-boats would hunt at night and in groups to sink ships. Between 1940 and 1941, the Germans enjoyed their “happy time” where many ship
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    Battle of Britain

    Belligerents-Great Britain and GermanyFollowing German victory in France, Germany set their eyes on Great Britain, but in order to successfully invade Great Britain, the Germans had to weaken the superior Royal Air force. The first tactic the Germans used was to destroy ships, costal towns, and costal defense; however the Royal Air Force was taking down the German Luftwaffe. German forces then switched the tactic to bombing air bases and radar stations. Finally a final tactic change was made an
  • Tripartite Pact

    A treaty signed by representatives from Germany, Italy and Japan, which would create the Axis Powers. This treaty also declared that Italy and Germany would create a new power in Europe, while Japan would create an empire in Greater East Asia. It declared that the countries would provide aid to each other, and assistance when possible.
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    Soviet Union and Germany, August 23 1942- February 2 1943 In August 1942, the German Luftwaffe started a bombing campaign on the Soviet Union, which destroyed much of the Soviets industry and residential area. In September, the Germans started a land invasion and ended up controlling 90% of the city of Stalingrad. Gradually, the Soviets pushed the Germans back until it was clear that German defeat was inevitable. However Hitler refused to surrender. However, the majority of troops surrendered
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    Operation Torch

    Countries involved: United States, Great Britain and Free France v Germany and Vichy FranceIn order to distract Germany from the Soviet Union, Allied forces invaded North Africa, which would later allow them to invade Europe. Led by Dwight D. Eisenhower, the US invaded Morocco and Algeria and was later aided by the Free French. US troops gained fighting experience at Kasserine Pass before invading Italy through Tunisia.
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    Battle of Anzio

    Countries Involved: United States and Great Britain vs. Italy and GermanyThis invasion of Italy through the coast was initially faced with little resistance, but by midnight several enemies had arrived. After a month of fighting, it appeared as though a stalemate was a possibility, but after Major General Lucian Truscott entered, Operation Diadem was planned, a major attack on the Germans. This operation eventually led to an Allied Victory and the Allies pushed on to gain Rome.Allies lost 7,0
  • D-Day (Overlord)

    Countries involved: The US, Britain and Canada vs. GermanyIn order to prevent a prolonged war, the Allies needed a massive invasion of Europe. The location for this invasion was eventually decided to be Normandy, France. Planned by Dwight D Eisenhower, he chose Omar Bradley to lead the US troops. The beaches of Normandy were split up into sections and different countries. Shortly after midnight, soldiers began to drop from parachutes to attack Normandy, and at 6:30 soldiers began arriving from