World War/Womens rights

  • Seneca falls convention

    Seneca falls convention
    This was the first huge gathering of women's rights activists. Around 300 women and 40 men attended. Fredrick Douglas also attended this convention
  • America gets Alaska

    America gets Alaska
    William Seward bought Alaska from Russia. At first he was ridiculed and they called it “Sewards ice box.” Later on they found that Alaska held goods like gold, oil, and copper
  • Ellis island created

    Ellis island created
    Ellis island was an island where immigrants would go to to go into America. There were a number of tests done on them to see if they were physically and mentally good enough to pass. They would ask questions before they got there and after to see if they were lying
  • First person through Ellis island

    First person through Ellis island
    Annie Moore was the first person through Ellis island. Annie was 17 years old and was traveling with her younger brothers. Annie went on to marry a clerk, had 11 children, then die of a heart disease.
  • America gets hawaii

    America gets hawaii
    The queen of Hawaii was overthrown and Sanford Dole had to rule for a period of time. The farmers were the ones who overthrew the Queen. America ended up getting Hawaii annexed in 1898
  • Beginning of WWI

    Beginning of WWI
    They called this war “The Great War” or “The war to end all wars.” A huge catalyst to the war was the assassination of Ferdinand. Most of the deaths in the wars was caused by the Spanish flu which occurred during the war.
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    German submarines sunk a British ship with American passengers on it. Germans believed that there were war supplies on there and a few years later they were proven right. The sinking was also one of the reasons America got involved in the war.
  • Zimmerman note intercepted

    Zimmerman note intercepted
    This note came from Germany and was sent to Mexico. However, the note was intercepted and interpreted by America. The note promised Mexico land from America for alliance to Germany, and this was one of the last straws that put America into the war.
  • Lucy Burns “Night of Terror”

    Lucy Burns “Night of Terror”
    Lucy Burns was arrested 6 times but her night of terror was at the workhouse Occoquan. At this place, they tortured her and the other women there. One way they tortured her was by handcuffing her hands in the air and leaving her there for the night
  • End of the war

    End of the war
    The end of the war was on November 11, 1918. Ever other country signed the treaty of Versailles but America because they didn’t want to get involved with other countries wars. However they signed a different treaty with Germany and President Wilson made the 14 points.
  • 18th amendment passed

    18th amendment passed
    The 18th amendment was passed to stop the selling of alcohol. The objective was to lower the amount of crime but this actually increased the amount of crime. Gangs and bootleggers were created as a result of this, and they called alcohol moonshine.
  • Chicago mob breakout

    Chicago mob breakout
    Al Capone became a well known gang leader. He was known to have guns in his cars and was in charge of some speakeasies. He was also involved in the saint valentines day massacre which killed 6 people from his rivals gang, Bus Moran.
  • The stock Market crash

    The stock Market crash
    This event was called "Black Tuesday". Black Tuesday was one of the most harsh stock market crashes. Most people tried to get their money back from the bank, but the bank couldn't return it because they didn't have it. This event kicked off the rest of the Great depression
  • President Roosevelt Elected

    President Roosevelt Elected
    Roosevelt was elected in march 4, 1933. His campaign was running on his "New Deal" promise. Citizens of the U.S. were hoping that this New Deal would bring them out of this depression.
  • Bank Holiday

    Bank Holiday
    When Roosevelt was elected as president, he started right of the bat to try to get America out of depression. One of the things he did early was call a Bank Holiday. This bank holiday was made to give banks a break and would close them down.
  • Dust Bowl Begins

    Dust Bowl Begins
    The dust bowl was a devastating event that had an effect on farmers and people living there. People had to flee their homes to find a better living space and better farms. "Migrant Mother," a famous picture taking during the event, represented what the people were feeling.
  • 21st amendment passed

    21st amendment passed
    The 21st amendment is connected to 18th amendment. The 21st amendment made it legal to sell and drink alcohol. They made the 21st amendment because alcohol was still being sold in speakeasies and crime was becoming more of a problem than it already was. This amendment was also made because the 18th amendment wasn't properly funded.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    After WWI Hitler rallied up the Germans after the harsh repercussions. Hitler goes and invades Poland which then starts the second World War. This process last a month and 5 days.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese made the mistake of trying to ambush the U.S. navy. This ended terribly for them because it made us join the war and actually get involved. Even their own general knew they made a mistake
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    This was considered the turning point of the war. Germany made the mistake of trying to invade their allies and lost. The harsh air conditions were one of the reasons of their downfall.
  • D Day

    D Day
    Originally this was called operation overload, but we call it D-Day. The purpose was to liberate England. This was a bloody battle and many american lives were lost
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    This bombing was the first atomic bomb dropped on an enemy in History. It killed a lot of civilians, and is a controversial call. It took not one, but two atomic bombs to be dropped for Japan to surrender
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    VJ Day stands for Victory over Japan. They used a method of island hopping to do so. The two islands thy used were Iwo Jima and Okinawa. A famous picture of American soilders lifting a flag was taken in Iwo Jima
  • Nato formed

    Nato formed
    Nato was formed to have some security agaisnt the Soviet Union. The Countries involved were the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, America, and more. The soviet union created the warsaw powers as a response.
  • Truman sends troops to Korea

    Truman sends troops to Korea
    Truman was president during some of the Cold war and sent troops to Korea. We sent troops to contain the spread of communism. He sent the US, and Naval force to do so.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Cuban exile force landed on the beach and was shot on sight. The US ending up having some ships sink. President Kennedy took the blame for it.
  • Cuban Missle Crisisa

    Cuban Missle Crisisa
    This was a scuffle between the Soviets and America. This even had children in schools practicing bomb drills. To stop this from happening JFK agreed to not invade cuba and take away misslies from Turkey.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall was built to separate east and west berlin. This was because they wanted to keep east berliners from retreating to west berlin. When the wall fell, they considered that was the end of the Cold war.