World War II timeline

  • japanese invasion of china

    it was its own little war before the whole war was included. this happened when japan bombed pearl harbor
  • invasion of poland

    germany invades poland. taking control within a single month.
  • selective service system

    prresident roosevelt established this to recruit men into the war. it was the first peace time war draft. this forced men to join the miltitary for the fight.
  • operation barborossa

    code name for germany's invasion of the soviet union
  • pearl harbor

    japan attacks oahu,hawaii. destorying many ships and pushing america to join the war.
  • war production board (WPB)

    executive order from president Franklin D Roosevelt. made buisnesses into peace war time production factories
  • bataan death march

    POW's were transfered to camp o'donnel. most died or escaped so no one knows exactly how many there were originally
  • battle of guagalcanal

    first confrontation for the taking of the control of the pacific. a major turning point for the american troops.
  • battle stalingrad

  • german blitzkrieg

    a form of battle that the germans used in world war II
  • D-Day

    the normandy invasion. where americon troops landed on the beaches of france
  • battle of the bulge

    was a major German offensive campaign launched through the densely forested Ardennes region of Wallonia in Belgium, France and Luxembourg on the Western Front toward the end of World War II in Europe.
  • iwo jima

    gave american troops a great position on being able to attack europe or japan
  • battle of okinawa

    largest amphibias assault. japan planned to use this largest island as a air opeerations base
  • V-E Day

    victory in europe day
  • trinity test

    trinity test
    a result of the manhhatten project. multiple tests testing the effects of the nuclear bombs used in the bombing of japan(nagasaki and hiroshima)
  • potsdam conference

    the leaders met in potsam,germany to discuss post war plans
  • hiroshima

    uranium bomb sent from american planes to take out japan faster
  • nagasaki

  • V-J Day

    victory over japan day. the day the war ended and the bomb dropped in japan