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World War II Timeline

  • Period: to

    World War II Timeline

  • The First Saturday Surprise - Reading 1

    The First Saturday Surprise - Reading 1
    During the first of the Saturday surprises Hitler rearmed the military. This broke the Treaty of Verailles that stated how big and how much equipement could be used by the German military. Hilter made a bold move because if France or the United Kingdom chose to, they could invade and occupy Germany.
  • The Second Saturday Surprise - Reading 1

    The Second Saturday Surprise - Reading 1
    The second Saturday Surprise was when Germany crossed the Rhine into Rhineland. Thaey weren't supposed to do this because as stated in the Treaty of Verailles they weren't allowed to go into this "buffer zone". He gambled once again but because of the foreign affairs of France and the UK they stayed out of it.
  • Taking Austria - Reading 2

    Taking Austria - Reading 2
    On this date Hitler took over Austria. At first in a meeting the Austrian leaders were reluctant to turn over Austria. After a public vote though 99.7 percent of the population voted to become part of Greater Germany. Thisn was another way he brojke the treaty.
  • Munich Agreement - Reading 4

    Munich Agreement - Reading 4
    The Munich was an agrreement signed after Mussolini (dictator of Italy) invited the leaders of major European countries to have a meeting in Munich.Thuis happened when Germany wanted Sudetenland wghich was the German speaking part of Czechoslovakia. By avoiding a war Neville Chaimberlain appeased Hitler by giving him the territory.
  • Hitler's Broken Promices -Reding 9

    Hitler's Broken Promices -Reding 9
    Hitler addressed the Reichstag about the irony of other nation's complates towards the racism of Jews. He said that other countries should not complain about German hatred towards Jews but how England controls the Middle East and how the League of Nations works. One agian though Hitler made promises not to go father than Poland.
  • Taking Poland - Reading 15

    Taking Poland - Reading 15
    On this date Germnay declared war on Poland and the invation began. They conquered it in two days but nobody was happy about the new war started with Great Britain and France. They tortured Jews, stole their stuff, and invited Poles to steal it as well.
  • Conquesting Poland - Reading 16

    Conquesting Poland - Reading 16
    After Hitler took over Poland he setted up a new government for them that would make them more Aryan. He also arrested many educated Poles and Jews, forced Jews to wear yellow stars, and gave them curfews. The Germans used multiple cases of dehuminization on Jews but this resulted in low morale off the Germans.
  • Taking Western Europe - Reading 19

    Taking Western Europe - Reading 19
    Germany started their campain in western Europe and took all countries except neutal nations and Britain. Now governments set up base in London while their countries were occupied. Germany now took back lands lost in the Treaty of Versailles and set up new governments. They continued to have anti-Semitist policies in these countries. Regular people now started to plan resistence movements from the Germans.
  • Invading Russia - Reading 20

    Invading Russia - Reading 20
    On this date Hitler ordered the invasion of Russia. Thia came exactly a year after he conquered France. This was a dangerous move because the Germans were allies with the Russians and now they are about to have war with one of the most feared nations. While in Russia they wantred to destroy all Jews there.
  • US Enters the War - Reading 21

    US Enters the War - Reading 21
    On this date the United States declars war on Japan. On the 11 December Germany declares war on the US. This was a big mistake though because now Hitler united three powerful nations to fight Germany.