World War II in Europe

By sduenas
  • The Beggining

    Germany invades Poland which cause a start to World War II
  • Poland Division

    Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia agree to divide Poland
  • Peace Treaty

    Finland signs and peace treaty with the Soviets
  • Dunkirk

    German bombs Paris; Evacuation at Dunkirk ends
  • Hitler and Mussolini

    Hitler and Mussolini
    Hitler and Mussolini meet for the first time in Munich
  • Armistice

    France signs an armistice with Nazi Germany
  • German Air Raid

    German Air Raid
    Germans start an air raid over London
  • Nazis at Kiev

    Nazis murder 33,771 Jews at Kiev
  • Army Control

    Hitler takes total control of Germany's army
  • Mass Murder

    Mass Murder
    A mass murder of Jews by gassing begins in Auschwitz
  • Stalin and Churchill

    Stalin and Churchill
    Stalin and Churchill meet for the first time in Moscow, Russia
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germans surrender at Stalingrad in their first big defeat with Hitler as leader
  • Jewish Resistance

    Jewish Resistance
    SS attack Jewish resistance in Warsaw ghetto
  • Mussolini Arrested

    Mussolini is arrested and Italian fascist government falls; Marshall Pietro Badoglio takes over
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italian troops announce their surrender to the Allies
  • Mussolini Returns

    Germans rescued Mussolini and recreates a Fascist government
  • D-Day

    Notorious day that marks the invasion of France and ultimately the deciding factor for the end of the war
  • Paris Resistance

    Resistance fighters come out of hiding and attack German forces
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin meet at Yalta to discuss the future of the war and the postwar world