War world 2

World War II Events

  • Hitler the leader of Germany

    Hitler the leader of Germany
    Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of Germany. He was one of the most hated men on history. He fought in world war I.
  • Japan Conquers China

    Japan Conquers China
    The japanese attaacked china. a clash occured between the chinese and japanese troops near Peiping in North China.
  • Germany Conquers Austria

    Germany Conquers Austria
    The Germans take over Austria
  • German/Soviet invade Poland

    German/Soviet invade Poland
    Poland is invaded by german and soviet troops.
  • Roosevelt Becomes President

    Roosevelt Becomes President
    Franklin D Roosevelt is re-electes as president of the United States for a third term.
  • Japan Bombs the U.S

    Japan Bombs the U.S
    Japanese planes bomb the United States in Pearl Harbor
  • Japan Conquers the Phillippines

    Japan Conquers the Phillippines
    Japan takes over the phillippines.
  • General Montgomery in Africa

    General Montgomery in Africa
    General Montgomery leads the allies to a victory over the axis troops in North Africa.
  • Invasion Forces Sent to Normady

    Invasion Forces Sent to Normady
    The allies send invasion forces to Normady, France.
  • Germany Surenders

    Germany Surenders
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders