World war ii special 512

World War II

  • Japanese invasion of China 1937

    Japanese invasion of China 1937
    The Japanese invasions of China in 1937 (more commonly referred to as the Sino-Japanese War) was a full-scale resistance to the expansion of the Japanese territory. The Japanese held great amounts of China in 1937-38. Though their conquest for Japanese superiority lasted a great deal with many losses, they lie in defeat by the Allies in 1945, ending their occupation of China.
  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    The Rape of Nanking, also known as the Nanjing Massacre, was a brutal imperialist movement set by the Japanese on to the Chinese that left ruin to China. This event murdered hundreds to thousands of civilians and soldiers, and an estimate of 20,000 to 80,000 women were sexually assaulted by the Japanese in their quest to set Japanese supremacy. The death toll of this event is between 200,000 to 300,000 people.
  • Germany's invasion of Poland

    Germany's invasion of Poland
    Germany had set their minds to invading Poland for a great amount of time. In late August 1939, Hitler and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin both signed the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, meaning that Hitler would not wage war upon Russia. This worried France and Britain. On September 1, 1939, Hitler made his move on Poland from the west, making France and Britain declare war on Germany two days later, beginning World War II.
  • German BlitzKrieg (Lightning War)

    German BlitzKrieg (Lightning War)
    The German BlitzKreig was a military tactic that quickly overran Europe. This tactic is a great concentration of heavy weapons such as planes, tanks, and artillery. Hitler founded this plan due to his desire to avoid long term wars, and instead conquered his enemies in short campaigns.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    The Wannsee conference was the meeting held by the Nazi party to determine the final solution for the Jews, ultimately putting them in concentration camps.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th, 1941, Japanese planes bombed a United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, a Hawaii Territory. More than 2,300 Americans were killed that day. President Roosevelt called it "a date which will live in infamy".
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    The U.S surrendered the Bataan Peninsula on a Philippine island of Luzon to the Japanese in 1942. Nearly 75,000 Filipino and American troops on Bataan were forced to make a 65-mile march to prison camps.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    After the battle, General Paulus surrendered what remained of his army-some 91,000. The Soviet victory was an embarrassment to Hitler, who over sold the battle's importance.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
    The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was an area that the Jews were put into shortly after the invasion of Poland. These areas were ghettos sealed off with brick walls and barbed wires. Armed guards patrolled controlling food portions. Disease and starvation killed thousands.
  • Allied invasion of Italy

    Allied invasion of Italy
    The Ally invasion of Italy took place in the early stages of the Italian campaign of World War II. Within three days 150,000 Allied troops were ashore, invading Italy.
  • D-Day

    D-Day is what they call the day the Allies invaded Normandy. The Allies include Britain, America, Canada, and France. With a force of 150000 soldiers, the Allies were able to secure a victory, creating a turning point in World War II.
  • Liberation Of Concentration Camps

    Liberation Of Concentration Camps
    The Liberation of Concentration Camps refers to the great amounts of soldiers who liberated the many concentration camps. It started with the Soviet Soldiers liberating the Majdenek camp in Poland on July 23, 1944. The last liberation was by US forces liberating Buchenwald concentration camp on April 11, 1945.
  • Operation Thunderclap

    Operation Thunderclap
    Operation Thunderclap was a plan of a massive attack on Berlin in the belief that would cause 220,000 casualties with at least half killed.
  • Battle of The Bulge

    Battle of The Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge is known as the Ardennes Offensive. It was the largest battle fought in the Western Front. Also the largest battle fought by the United States Army.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The battle of Iwo Jima was a major battle between the US and Japan. The US Marine Corps captured the island Two Jima from the Imperialist Japanese Army.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The Battle of Okinawa was a battle between the Japanese and the Allies. It's significance was that it served as an example how deadly the invasion of Japan would be. Over 100,000 Japanese casualties and 50,000 Allies casualties.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    VE day or V day is the Victory day, a holiday celebrated by people. The day represents the surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allies in 1945.
  • Potsdam Declaration

    Potsdam Declaration
    The Potsdam Declaration defined the terms of the Japanese surrender to the Allies, surrendering all the Japanese Armed forces.
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bombs

    Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
    The dropping of the is referred to as the day US dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese city of Hiroshima and Nagaski, killing more than 100,000 Japanese people.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    VJ Day is the day Japan surrendered to the Allies on September 2. It is a National Holiday.