Americans wwii world war facts history

World War 2 Timeline

  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    The conference at which the Treaty of Versailles was signed.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty that was signed to end World War I, sending Germany into $32 Billion dollars in debt, leading to Hitler's uprise.
  • League of Nations formed.

    League of Nations formed.
    League of Nations was formed to enforce the Treaty of Versailles and to maintain peace.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party
    This is the beginning of Hitler's progression to becoming the dictator of Germany.
  • Mussolini made Prime Minister of Italy

    Mussolini made Prime Minister of Italy
    Mussolini being made Prime Minister of Italy had turned Italy into a fascist country, where the government and military control everything and were aggressive.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The economic crisis of the 1930's resulted in social and political instability around the world. it was the perfect situation in which dictators like Hitler could expand on their territory. This event would soon lead to military conflict.
  • Failure of the League of Nations

    Failure of the League of Nations
    The United States didn't agree to join the League of Nations, causing wavering morale amongst the rest of the League. Also, the League didn't have the military power they needed to enforce what they wanted to.
  • Japan invades Manchuria, League of Nations unable to stop them.

    Japan invades Manchuria, League of Nations unable to stop them.
    With the League of Nations breathing down their backs, Japan decided to back out of the League of Nations so that they continue their aggression towards China.
  • Hitler is made Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is made Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler is assigned Chancellor of Germany, furthering his plan for power and rule. Hitler brought hopes to the people, hopes that they would be pulled out of their Depression.
  • Paul Von Hindenburg, President of Germany, dies.

    Paul Von Hindenburg, President of Germany, dies.
    This opens up a spot for Hitler to become president.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer
    Immediately after the death of Paul Von Hindenburg, Hitler assumes the role of President, or Fuhrer.
  • U.S Neutrality Act

    U.S Neutrality Act
    The Neutrality Act, assuring the rest of the world that the U.S wanted to not have any enemies, so they stated that they would stay neutral.
  • Hitler remilitarizes

    Hitler remilitarizes
    Despite the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler remilitarizes Germany and prepares it for war.
  • Italy Invades Abyssinia, League of Nations again unable to help.

    Italy Invades Abyssinia, League of Nations again unable to help.
    Due to Italy's economic resources, the League of Nations was again unable to stop the aggression due to lack of force to do so
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    The invasion that started World War Two.