
World War 2

  • World War 2

    World War 2
    this picture looks like they are having the military line up and et ready for the very intense battle.
  • The Battle

    The Battle
    On this day, there were many people fighting. This battle lasted from 1939-1945. These men are fighting for their country
  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
    Japan does a surprise attack on pearl harbor
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Japan attacks the US again
  • Japanese and American War

    Japanese and American War
    in the picutre they are showing men crouching down trying to hide and kill the enemy
  • Japan defeats their allies which is the US from 1939-1942

    Japan defeats their allies which is the US from 1939-1942
    After they attacked the US, they stopped because they thought that they gave up. But they were wrong
  • The bombing on Japan

    The bombing on Japan
    On this day, President Truman sent an attrosive bomb on Japan. It was so fatal and so strong that most likely over 2 million people died.
  • Planting the Flag for victory

    Planting the Flag for victory
    in this picture, they are showing the victory of America while they are planting the flag in the ground.