World War 2

  • World War 1

    World War 1 ends with the German defeat
  • 1919 events

    On April 28 the league of nations was found and on June 28 was the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • 1921 Events

    Adolf Hilter becoms the leader of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party.
  • 1923 Events

    Led by Hilter, the Nazis attempt to overthrow the German government but fail, this was known as the Beer Hall Putsch.
  • Lenin's death

    Lenin dies, leaving the way for Joseph Stalin to takeover as leader of the Societ Union.
  • Hilter's book

    An autobiography written by Hitler revealing the political ideologies , Mein Kampf, is published.
  • Treaty of Berlin

    Treaty of Berlin is signed allowing either country to remain neutral if one or the other is attacked by another country.
  • Saudi Arabia

    The UK gives Saudi Arabia its independence and later Saudi Arabia supplies oil to the allies during World War 2.
  • Litvinov's Pact

    Those who signed the Litninov's Pact agreed to denounce war as stated in the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
  • Great Depression

    The Stock Market on Wall Street crashed leading to the Great Depression in the US and spreading worldwide.
  • Nazis

    Germans elect Nazis making them the 2nd largest political party in Germany.
  • January & February 1932

    The US issues the Stumson Doctrine to prevent expansion of Japan's territories. In February Hitler finally received his German Citizenship.
  • Paul Von Hindenburg

    Paul Von Hindenburg is elected president by Germany and plays an important role in the rise of the Nazi Party.
  • Assassination

    Kurt Von Schleicher is named German Chancellor by Hindenburg and later assassinated by Hilter's order in 1934.
  • German Chancellor

    President Hindenburg appoints Hitler as Chancellor.
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    Hindenburg issues the Reichstag Fire Decree which nullified many civil liberties of citizens.
  • March events of 1933

    On March 12 the first concentration camp opened at Oraienburg outside Berlin. On the 23 of Mrach the Enabling Act gave Hitler unlimited power and allowed for him to be dictator in Germany.
  • Nazi Boycott

    The Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops.
  • Gestapo

    The Gestapo is established in Germany to maintain order throughout the counrty and especially during the world and represented Hitler's group of enforcers.
  • Nazi Burn Booking

    The Nazi Book Burning begins. Students from university marched with torches with the intent of burning un-German books. More than 25,000 books turned into ashes.
  • October 1933

    Germany leaves the League of Nations
  • German-Polish Non-aggression Pact

    Polan and Germany sign a ten year German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact but five years after Germany invades Poland.
  • NIght of the Long Knives

    From the end of June to the 2nd of July political murders known as the Night of Long Knives is carried throughout Germany and beyond. Action was seen as a purge against those who would politically oppose the ruling of the Nazi party.
  • Fuher

    Hitler is announced Chancellor and head of state.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    German jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws.
  • Eruption

    The civil war erupts in Spain.
  • Marco Polo Bridge Incident

    Marco Polo Bridge Incident is a battle between the Chinese and Japanese armies and is seen as the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War.
  • Anschluss of Austria

    Austria is the first country to be annexed by Hitler's Germany.
  • Plan Z

    To better the Bristish Royal Navy, Hitler approves Plan Z, a five year project aimed at expanding the Nazi German fleet by 1944.
  • Munich Aggreement

    Nazi troops enter Prague in violation of the Munich Agreement.
  • Neville Chamberlain

    Bristish Prime Minister warns in a speech that Britain will fight any attempt by Germany to dominate the world.
  • German- Polish Non-Aggression Pact renounced

    Hitler renounces the Pact during a speech before the Parliament.
  • Initiation of World War 2

    Germany invades Poland and begins World War 2 in Europe.
  • Declaring War

    Great Britain and France declared war on Germany of Poland's borders.
  • 1940

    The end of 1940 Hitler occupies most of the Western Europe.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and the U.S. declare war against Japan.
  • Declaring War

    Hitler declares War against the U.S.
  • Executive Order 9066

    President Roosevelt signs the Executive Order 9066 which is the incarceration of hundrend of thousands Japanese descent families.
  • Surrending

    The U.S. surrenders the Phillippines to Japan.
  • Battle of Stalingard

    Recognized as the largest battle of the WW2, the Battle of Stalingard begins.
  • Regaining

    Allies invade and regain Europe on D-DFay known as the greates military invasion in the history beginning with the Normandy Landings.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    In response to the invasion of the Normandy the German went on the offensive in what is known as the Battle of the Bulge.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    US troops land on Okinawa and a Battle takes place.
  • Death

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide when knowing all was lost.
  • Pre- ending

    The end of World War 2 in Europe whrn Germany begins to surrender.
  • Final Ending

    Japan surrenders and completes the end of Worl War 2.
  • Division

    The US divide the Korean Peninsula along the 38th parrallel creating the North and South Korea's.
  • Prosecution

    The Nuremberg Trials begin and Germany, prosecuting leaders of the Nazi Germany.