World War 1

  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    paris was gripped in the vice of the prossian armies and forced to surrender on humiliating terms. Paris was consuled by the savage self- Destruction of the newsley formed socialist government, the commune.
  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    in the 1930w china was a divided country. In 1927 Chiang Kai- Shek had formed a Nationalist Government- the Kuomintang (the KMT) But his dictatorial regime was opposed by Mao Tse Tungs Communists (CCP).
  • Germany Invasion of Poland

    One of Adolf Hitler's first major foreign policy initiatives after coming to power was to sign a nonaggression pact with Poland in January 1934.
  • Germanys Invasion of Poland

    The invasion of Poland in 1939 was a military offensive in which Nazi Germany and later the Soviet Union invaded Poland it was the stgart of wold war II in Europe.
  • Germany Blitzkrieg tactics

    Germany Blitzkrieg overwhelmed poland then after a pause crushed denmarck, norway and the low countries in April, May 1940, and finally france in June 1940.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operati9on of Bararossa was the largest military compaing in history. Springing from Hitlers canaticaldesire to conquer the soviet territories, defeat Bolshevism. The invasion Began with 4.5 million
  • Pear Harbor

    Pear Harbor
    Japanese Fighter planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor Near Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Wannsee Conference

    The Wannsee conference (German Wannsee konferenz) was a meeting of senior officials of Nazi Germany. Held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on 20 January 1942.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    surrender of the Bataan Peninsula on the main Philippine island of Luzon to the Japanese during World War II (1939-45), the approximately 75,000 Filipino and American troops on Bataan were forced to make an arduous 65-mile march to prison camps.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    was a decisive naval battle in the pacific theater of ww2. Beween the 3rd and the 7th of june, only six months after japans attack on pearl harbor.
  • Operation Torch

    Initianlly called operation Gymnast was the British America invasion of French North Africa during thr North Africa Camping of the second world was which started on 8 noovember 1942
  • allied invasion of italy

    The Italian government secretly agreed to the allies terms of durrender. The british 8th Army under fiel Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery Begins the Allied Invasion
  • D-Day (Normandy Invasion)

    the Battle of Normandy, which lasted from June 1944 to August 1944, resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control.when some 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region.
  • Liberation of Concentration camps

    soviet soldiers were the first to liberate the concentration camps of the prisoners in the final stages of world war 1
  • The Bttle of the Bulge

    The Battle was a mayor German offensive campaign bunched through the densely forested Araennees region of wallonia in Belgium France, and Luxemburg on the western Front toward the o ww 2 in Europe.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Conference, held from February 4 to 11, 1945, was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, represented by President Franklin
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    The American amphibious invasion of Iwo Jima during World War II stemmed from the need for a base near the Japanese coast.Iwo Jima was defended by roughly 23,000 Japanese army and navy troops, who fought from an elaborate network of caves, dugouts, tunnels and underground installations
  • The Battle of Okinawa

    Code names operation iceberg was a series of battles fought in the byukyu isalnds centered on the island of okinawa and included the largest amphilibious assault
  • FDR death- truman becomes president

    On this day in 1945 president Franklin Delano Roosevekt passes away after four momontous terms in office.
  • Nuremburg Trials

    was a series of 13 trials carried out in nuremberg, germany between 1945 and 1949. Held for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice for crimes thy had commited during world war 2.
  • VE Day

    On this day Great Britain and the United States Celebrate Vistory in Europe Day cities in both nations as well as formerly occupied cities in was tern eaurope put out flags and banners rejoicing in the defeat of the Nazi war machine The eigth of May spelled the day.
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bombs

    The American bomber Enola Gay dropped a five-tom bomb over the Japanese City of Hiroshima.
  • VJ Day

    Vj Day means Victory Over Japan day, a Formal Surrender Ceremony has held in tokyo. President truman declared VJ Day.