quentin branstetter

  • industrial revolution

    an era where the united states and europe expanded there industrys.like the upgrade to steam engine that boost factory production because they dont have to deal with the water mill.and iron smelting that lead to higher thechnology for railroads and steamboats
  • 1st sucsessful steam engein built

    this means that factories did not need to build by the rivers they could use steam. so they can build by roads where supplys are closer.the steam engine ment that they now have steam locomotive for faster transport
  • mexico declares independience

  • dynamo

  • taiping rebelion

    hong xiuquan thought he was the brother jesus and he made his own kingdom where noone is poor.they ccaotured large teritories in southeastern china.british and french troops attacked them and and ended the rebeliion
  • Sepoy Mutiny in India

  • Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital”

  • The Meiji Restoration

  • Franco-Prussian War

  • Spanish-American War begins

  • Boxer Rebellion

  • Russo-Japanese War

  • Franz Ferdinand is killed

  • Lenin’s Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

  • U.S. joins WWI

    the americsn suportted the allies butb the president didnt want to get america involved.but when germany attacked civedlized ships germans said ok were done attacking shipsso that the U.S does not join the fight. they soon relized that they need to use there U-boats to attack.
  • Mussolini’s Fascist Party in Italy

  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

  • Stalin’s rule in the USSR begins

  • Russia becomes the USSR

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    hitler and his thugs intemadated and bullied german legislature to gain power.His power soon led to a cult for youth to join.He improved german economy by strict wage control amd massive government spending on publioc work
  • Germany attacks Poland – WWII begins

  • U.S. declares war on Japan

  • Japans attack on Pearl Harbor

  • NAFTA is formed –1944

  • D-Day

    they were planing a full scale invasion on europe.they wanted to mislead hitler about where the invasion would be at. on D-day 150,000 troops storm the beaches of normandy and took it.
  • U.S. drops A-Bomb on Hiroshima

  • Nuremberg trials are held

  • Apartheid in South Africa

  • Mao Zedong’s People’s Republic of China 1949

  • Korean War is fought

    wanted to join north and south korea together.united states and UN invaded to drive north korea out of south korea and pushed them way north.then china got involved and allied with korea to fight the american and british
  • Vietnam War is fought

  • Fidel Castro’s Communism in Cuba

  • Mikhail Gorbachev power in USSR

  • Persian Gulf War begins –1990

  • USSR collapses & Russia is back

  • WTO is formed