William Shakespeare

By Tsocki
  • Apr 26, 1564

    Birth Date

    Birth Date
    William Shakespeare's exact birthdate is unkown, but his birthday is traditionally celebrated on April 26th, 1564
  • Mar 8, 1571

    Start of School

    Start of School
    Exact date is unknown, but Shakespeare begins his first year in grammer school.
  • Shakespeare's First Child is Born

    Shakespeares first child, Susanna, is born.
  • Anne gives birth to Twins

    Anne, Shakespeare's wife, gives birth to Hamnet and Judith
  • Shakespeare's Marriage

    18 year old William Shakespeare weds 26 year old Anne Hathway.
  • Hamnet Dies

    Shakespeare's Son passes away.
  • Shakespeare's first appearance

    Shakespeare is mentioned as an actor and playwright in a pamphlet that discusses the London Theatre Scene.
  • Shakespeare dies,

    Shakespeare dies on April 23, 1616. He is buried at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford on April 25 of 1616. The cause of death is unknown, some supspect he may have had a heart attack. His death was fairly quick.