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William Golding life events

  • School days

    School days
    When he was young he would take out his anger on other children and bullied them saying "I enjoyed hurting people." It shows how humans are brutal. He tried to write a novel at 12 years old, but failed. In college he studied English literature. He published his first work a bool of poems called "poems".
  • After college/ Adult

    After college/ Adult
    After graduating college he worked at the theater for sometime. Afterwards, he started teaching English and philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth's School. From teaching there he got inspiration from the bad little kids to write in the Lord of the Flies.
  • War

    After teaching he joined the Royal Navy. He fought in World War II which gave him inspiration for his book. The boys turn against each other and it shows the savage side of human nature.
  • Death

    He died from a heart attack. Before he died he wrote many books. Also got many awards for them.