Will Smith

  • Born

    Will Smith was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His parents are Willard and Caroline Smith. He was also the first born.
  • record contract

    record contract
    Will Smith became a rapper with his partner Jeff Townes. They get a record contract and go by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince.
  • 1st single

    1st single
    They released their first single ''Girls Ain't Nothing But Trouble'' and was a hit with teenage boys everywhere.
  • Grammy

    DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince won a grammy award for Best Rap Performance and an American Music Award for Best Rap Single.
  • first album

    first album
    DJ Jazzy Jeff And the Fresh Prince released the album "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper", which included radio friendly songs.
  • MTV Award

    MTV Award
    DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince win an MTV Video Music Award for Best Rap Video, for there song ''Parents Just Don't Understand".
  • Marriage

    Will Smith married his first wife Sheree Zampino,who had met on the set of the TV show ''A Different World"
  • fatherhood

    Will Smith and Sheree's first Son was named Willard C. Smith III,
    (after Will and his father) but nicknamed Trey.
  • A New Relationship

    A New Relationship
    Will Smith and Jada Pinkett knew each other and were close friends for 6 years, before they had started there relationship
  • Movie

    Will Smith co-stared with Tommy Lee Jones in the movie "Men In Black". Smith also ended up writing 2 songs for the movie.