what odserved betwen a week

  • antics

    used to be a lot of antics
  • friends

    they were old friends with mam while she was in school
  • my hause

    my hause
    I was washing the dishen when the phone rong
  • the farm

    the farm
    I was watching tv while my aunt is taking a bath
  • my aunt´s hause

    my aunt´s hause
    I was looking for a blouse while my mom was sweeping
  • memory

    I used to have a lot of friends when I was in confirmation
  • my hause

    my hause
    were he and maria when I was talking to my dad
  • park

    We were busy yesterday while we spent the day playing
  • my hause

    my hause
    I was taking a bath when the mail arrived
  • my hause

    my hause
    I was doing homework when my mom called me