Western European History

  • 476

    Fall of the Roman Empire

    Fall of the Roman Empire
    It is believed that barbarians from what is now German started to take over Roman territories. Pushing greek tribes to the edge of Rome. Then the attack on Rome and the over the throw of the last Roman emperor was the major end of the Roman empire.
  • Period: 476 to 1450

    The Middle Ages (Dark Ages)

  • Period: 1095 to 1291


    The Crusades were a series of religious and political wars. The Byzantines, who were Christian and the Turks were the ones that fought over three different crusades. Fighting was very brutal on both sides.
  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

    The phase of European history between the 14th and 16th centuries where countries were inspired by a revival of the classical art and intellect of Ancient Greece and Rome. People were living large and bold and many new ideas about arts and since and many other things were coming out.
  • Period: 1517 to

    Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century religious, political, intellectual and cultural changed peoples ideas and ways of thinking. people began to think more rather than just being told what to think and doing it. for the first time people were deciding their own belifs and this was a major turning point in the development of Europe was in a major time of change to the likes the world had never seen before.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Enlightenment

    This was a time when Europeans were expanding their understanding of the earth, art, music, and other sciences. Only really in Europe and was a great time to live because there were not a lot of major wars going on and people were in harmony in Europe. A time period where religion was less influential.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    This was a time period that started in england first and spread to the world, where things were now being made by machine or at mass instead of by hand or by one person. Also in america the use of coal for power was becoming more common.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French revolution was a time when the citizens of over and killed the monarchy and other leaders. they did this beucase the country was poor, the king and queen spent alot of money on themselves and nearly nothing on the country. they took over a prison and killed the gaurds got the people out and took over weapons in the armory and then went on a savage rampage killing everthing that moved in teh country.
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


    The second world war, where Germany, Japan, and Italy teamed up and took over land in Europe and Asia. The Nazis were led by Hitler in the main theater of war and he was being opposed by American in the west and Russia in the east. The United States Navy and Marines fought the Japanese in the Pacific by slowly taking over islands.The fighting happened on sea, air, and land for the first time in any major world war. Most of Europe was taken over by the Nazis before being taken back by the allies.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • NATO

    NATO or North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a group of countries in North America and Europe that have peace conferences and other important world meetings. Its main purpose was to defend each other from the possibility of the communist Soviet Union taking control of their nation, however, now it is more based on backing each other up financial and if a war breaks out protecting each other.
  • Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact was the NATO for The Soviet Union and its affiliated Communist nations in Eastern Europe. They protected each other and understood that they were expected to defend one another. the soiviets being the main communiist strong hold in the world and in the pact made most of the major decisons and told the others how to act and what to do.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union fell and was broken up into fifteen different states or countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgiziya, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. it fell due to the fact that the countire was in ruin with no money and people were starving.
  • Creation of the European Union

    Creation of the European Union