By zaaaye
  • Social darwinism

    -Haves were rich people, or people that had power
    -If if you were poor or not educated then it means you dont deserve to have money or power you were a "have not"
    -Concept behind darwinism was racism, money and power
    -What social classes owe to eachother was a pamphlet by william graham summers about solving social problems created in 1883-1903
  • red scare

    -Xenophiba is fear of foreigners
    -Many americans were scared of the communist because the communist have overthrown russia in 1917 and murdered them
    -A series of bomb explosions in 1919 including an attempton mitch palmer lead to compaign against the communist
    -No communist were discovered, lives were ruined due to the raids
  • Harlem Renaissance

    -The great migration led to the relocation of more than 6 milion african americans from to rural south to the cities of north midwest and west from 1916 to 1970
    -The jim crow laws lead to mass migration for m the south places like new york and chicago because the african american wanted to get away from the jim crow laws and the racism in south
    -Mass migratiion of african american s from the south during world war 1 witch had held fill new yorks industrial needs
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    transitional immigration

    -Congress strengthened national immigration law with new lwgislation in 1903 and 1907
    -Another change the introduction of pre-inspection and more rigorous medical examinations at the point of departure saved time for people passing through excluded immigrants
    -Nativists belived that because the u.s now had fewer unskilled jobs available fewer immigrants should be laid into the country
  • 19 Amendment

    -At the time u.s was founded, is female citizens did not share all of the same rights as men
    -This amendment gave the women rights to vote in 1902
    -Unified suffriage laws across the u.s will later move into women rights
  • Uniae

    -Marcus Mosiah Garvey
    -The members pled themselves to do all in their power conserve the rights of their noble race and to respect the rights of all mankind believing always in the brotherhood of man an the fatherhood of god
    -North and fustrations of struggling to cop with urban llife set the scene for garveys back to africa movement
    -He went to jamaiican and was kicked out of the united states
    -He wanted people to come back to liberia whih was a movement "back to africa"
  • teapot dome scandal

    -1920 involved national security big oil companies and corruption of u,s and selling military land
    -Events led decaded before gov. and u,s navy offivals, new global precense
    -Albert B. fall served secretary of the interior in president warren g. harding's cabinet
    -Scandle left a lasting stain on president republic
  • Emergency Quota act

    -number of immigrants had grown almost 600% ranging from 141,000-805ooo people after WW1
    -Established max number of people who could enter the united states "cut eoropean immigration"
    -Allows immigrants that are already living in u.s have a sewre job
    -Groups like the "kkk" strongly supported the eqa and national origins formula to reduce the number of foreigners coming to the u.s
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    National origins formula

    _it established how many immigrants could enter the u.s restricted by origin discriminated people outside western europe
    -The government only allowed 2% of the population into the nation
    -The asian exclusion was modified which barre asians completely out
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    nativism in the 1921-195

    -Adislike of foreigns
    -The red scare witch hand anarchist bombings the sacco and anzetti case
    -Migration of african americans from south to northern cities increased rural tensions with kkk
    -During the red scare anarchist ttargetted judges, politicians law enforcement officals 2 foreiners seuteuced todeath of robbery and new foreiners african american using the emergency quota act to scare others
  • National Origins Act

    -Established of a quota system limited immigration from southern & eastern europe also established a quota to determine how many immigrants could enter the u.s all asians here exduded from immigrants
    -Emergency quota act that limited from any country to 3% this act caused immigration to drop by almsot 500,000 person between 1920-1922
  • Scopes trial monkey trial

    -As an american legal case in 1925 in which a teacher from Tennessee violated the butler act, which taught about evolution
    -This made in unlawful to teach human evolution in any state funded school
    -william jennings was the prosecutor =, the attorney who defended scopes was convicted for teaching evolution his $1.00 fine was set aside
    -The town first made the fine to collect money due to the great depression
  • first solo transattantic flight

    -Name of the pilot was Charles Lindbeg
    Name of the plain was the spirit of St. Louis
    -Start of this fight was roosevelt field NY to land at la bourget airport near paris
    -He changed public opinion on the value of air travel and laid the foundation for the future development of aviation
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    Transitional immigration

    -WW1 immigration was reduced to a trickle by the conflict in europ (WW1)
    -Nativist feeling against immigrants led congress to restrict immigration from Europ for the 1st time
    -Immigration were over flooding the urban areas
    -The economy was drawn down a tad due to little jobs available
  • Pledge of allegiance

    -IN 1954 "under god" was added to the pledge, in a response to the threat of communism
    -Congress after a compaign by knights of columbus, the pledge was now both patriotic oath and a public prayer