Waste Management

By soviseb
  • India's largest biogas plant

    India's largest biogas plant
    Methan village, Patan district of Gujarat saves 500 metric tonnes of fuelwood annually. They've been doing it for the last 15 years. This village is home to India's largest biogas plant, "The biogas plant has been running since April 25, 1987, with minor repair works, and supplies gas to the villagers. Village cooperative runs the plant with no external assistance. This is the largest biogas plant in the country," claims Kasimbhai Khan, former supervisor of the cooperative society
  • Plastic roads

    Plastic roads
    In 2002 Mr.Ahmed Khan has discovered a solution to utilize the construction of roads in Bangalore. He developed a technology which turns the plastic waste into Poly blend which can be mixed with tar coal and can be used in the laying of road. The cost of the construction is high but it increases the life span and durability of the roads.

    300 metres of Golf Links Road in Shirley Christchurch rebuilt using recycled materials.
    The construction of New Zealand’s first road using 100% recycled materials has been completed in July 2005. Located behind the Palms Shopping Centre in Christchurch, Golf Links Road has been designed and built by Fulton Hogan for the Christchurch City Council using recycled crushed concrete (RCC) and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP).
  • The landfill harmonic orchestra

    The landfill harmonic orchestra
    In 2006 Favio Chavez came up with a project to create a musical instrument using waste as a raw material. Using the objects collected from the dump Favio and his friend constructed a functional violin in a place where a real violin is worth more than a house. This small en-devour leads to the recycled orchestra, a group of children who play instruments made out of recycled waste.
  • Living Earth Limited Christchurch New Zealand

    Living Earth Limited Christchurch New Zealand
    Living Earth has been operating the Christchurch City Council’s Organics Processing Plant in Bromley since 2009. The OPP receives nearly 50,000 tonnes of foodwaste and greenwaste per year from Christchurch households’ “Love Organics” collection which we turn into plant nourishing goodness for the home garden, the City’s open spaces and parks and the rural Canterbury market.
    This plant process food waste and green waste to transform into compost.
  • Bottle Bank Arcade Sweden

    Bottle Bank Arcade Sweden
    Volkswagen created a project in 2009 that changed the game of recycling. This project gamifies the collection of waste bottles. Glass is noticeably recycled less than plastic bottles and cans as you don't get money in return. This initiative is trying to change that by rewarding you recycling with not just a good conscious but a smile as well. http://lemon2020.com/2013/11/08/bottle-bank-arcade-machine-many-of-us-return-our/
  • Plastic gold

    Plastic gold
    Waste management is a serious problem in Cameroon and the city council burns most of the plastic which creates health problems,so in 2010 there is an organization who trains the women to produce jewelry from the recycled papers and plastic.They are turning the waste into wealth while empowering local women economically. https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2013/06/10/Entrepreneurial-women-in-Cameroon-transform-plastic-waste-into-wealth/PC-3251370902921/
  • Xiangyang Anaerobic Digestion Project

    Xiangyang Anaerobic Digestion Project
    A factory located in Xiangyang most likely will not grab your attention but the work that it is doing certainly will. This factory has designed a project to convert sludge(humane waste) to energy. This project has created a means to tackle China's huge sludge project.
  • Vertical Garden Brazil

    Vertical Garden Brazil
    This is a project that creates an urban Vertical Garden Built From Hundreds of Recycled Soda Bottles. These bottles are suspended from walls and in contain edible plants and herbs so that families can cultivate their own organic vegetables. This project was designed by Home sweet Homes producer Luciano Huck and designers to transform the homes of several dozen poor Brazilian families.