War Crimes

  • First Laws of War

    The Hague Conventions are where the first formal statements of the laws of war.
  • Rape of Belgium

    Germany attacked the civilian population of Belgium and destroyed their property. Also, Belgium was neutral and Germany invaded them without warning which is against treaty's.
  • Armenian Genocide

    Turkish military tried to exterminate the Armenians living in western Armenian by either killing them off with military or deporting them to Syria to be killed.
  • Nanking Massacre

    Japan entered China and over three weeks they committed several war crimes like mass rape, looting, arson, the killing of civilians and prisoners of war
  • Attack on the United States

    The attack on Pearl Harbor which violated the Four Power Treaty.
  • Attack on the British Commonwealth

    Japan invaded British colonies without a declaration of war.
  • "Black Christmas", Hong Kong

    On the day of the British surrender, Japanese murdered many, raped about 10,000 women and looting.
  • Novi Sad Massacre

    4,200 civilians rounded up and killed by Hungarian troops.
  • Bataan Death March, Philippines,

    Fillipino and U.S. soldiers were forced to march 100 Kilometers to a prison camp, where they were beaten randomlly and denied of food and water.
  • Laha massacre

    After the battle Battle of Ambon, more than 300 Australian and Dutch prisoners of war were chosen at random and summarily executed, at Laha airfield in four separate massacres
  • Enemy Airmen's Act

    Allied men bombed Japanese targets, which resulted in the murder of hundreds of Allied men.
  • Changjiao massacre,

    Army. War crimes were committed including mass rape, looting, arson, the killing of civilians and prisoners of war
  • Nuremberg Trials

    The Nuremberg Trials were trials that held Nazi's quilty of war crimes after World War II.
  • International Military Tribunal for the Far East

    For the crimes committed during World War II, this trials charged the leaders of Japan for war crimes and also crimes against peace and humanity.
  • Geneva Conventions

    The Geneva Conventions are treaty's that establish the international law for war. These were made because of World War II.