
  • • Ho Chi Minh founds Indochinese Communist Party October 1930

    •	Ho Chi Minh founds Indochinese Communist Party October 1930
    • Found because Vietnamese had unrest about the land getting extracted, was also taken by revolt under the leadership of ho chi minh.
  • • Japan occupies Vietnam September 1940

    •	Japan occupies Vietnam September 1940
    Indo China was a French colony it was ruled by the Vichy Regime, which was controlled by the Nazis, Japan's ally, ended up trading one colonial power for another.
  • • Viet Minh captures Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh establishes the Democratic Republic of Vietnam august 19th 1945

    •	Viet Minh captures Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh establishes the Democratic Republic of Vietnam   august 19th 1945
    Vietnam 1955 this included a long battle with the French, they won, and the agreement then was signed
  • • Vietcong begin attacks on Diem government November 1946

    •	Vietcong begin attacks on Diem government November 1946
    diem was a strong anti communist place at this time, they refused to take part in countrywide election of 1956
  • • Eisenhower introduces domino theory (Happens in April) April 1954

    •	Eisenhower introduces domino theory (Happens in April) April 1954
    He likened the countries on the brink of communism to a row of dominoes, wanted to knock down one so he could knock all of them down.
  • • Viet Minh defeat French at Dien Bien Phu may 1954

    •	Viet Minh defeat French at Dien Bien Phu may 1954
    Would go back into territory and regain back the control of cities and the southern half, did not want to take north.
  • • Ho Chi Minh founds Viet Minh September 1963

    •	Ho Chi Minh founds Viet Minh September 1963
    He fled Vietnam and made for his rebellion activity, made independence movement in SU and china.
  • • Ngo Dinh Diem overthrown in U.S.-backed coup may-November 1963

    •	Ngo Dinh Diem overthrown in U.S.-backed coup may-November 1963
    He was also the SV president, as well as a strong anti- communist
  • • U.S. Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution August 7 1964

    •	U.S. Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution August 7 1964
    All because NV fired a torpedo at a American ship, had 2 senators voting against it, would fire a missel to repel any further aggression.
  • • U.S. forces begin Operation Rolling Thunder bombing campaign February 1965

    •	U.S. forces begin Operation Rolling Thunder bombing campaign February 1965
    This was the first bombing in NV, this happened after they killed 8 Americans.