• walt whitman

Walt Whitman 1860-1870

  • 3rd Edition of Leaves of Grass

    3rd Edition of Leaves of Grass
    The third edition is published in Boston.
  • President Lincoln

    President Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was elected president
  • George joins the army

    Whitman's younger brother joins the army. PBS Source
  • Confederate States of America

    Confederate States of America
    Seven southern states write a new constitution and form the Confederate State of America, States included: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Taxas. They seceded from the US because of Abraham Lincoln's election and to protect slavery rights. History.com
  • Battle at Fort Sumter

    Battle at Fort Sumter
    President Abraham Lincoln decides to resupply the fort for US Major Robert Anderson. Confederates bombard the fort in suspision. Robert offered to surrender after he gets the supplies but the Confederates refuse. The Civil War starts with the first battle here, Confederates are the first to shoot. History.com
  • CSA Additions

    Four states join the Confederate States of America because of the battle at Fort Sumter: Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. History.com
  • First Bull Run

    First Bull Run
    Winfield Scott (union) was pressured into advancing to the South. He ordered Irvin McDowell to advance on the troops stationed in Manassas Junction, Virginia. It was a Southern victory with the union troops retreating to Washington. Source
  • Beat! Beat! Drums!

    Whitman's poem first featured in Harper's Weekly. [' >Whitman Archive Link](<a href='http://www.whitmanarchive.org/published/periodical/periodical_title/per.00162)
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Confederates attacked General Ulysses S. Grant and the union army in Shiloh, Tennessee. The next day the union had the Confederates retreating. 13,000 out of 63,000 unions died and 11,000 out of 40,000 confederates died. Source
  • Period: to

    Seven Days' Battles

    A series of battles that included Mechanicsville (26 and 27), Gaines's Mill (27), Savage's Station (29), Frayser's Farm (30), and Malvern Hill (1). On the 2nd, Confederates retreated. Source
  • 2nd Bull Run

    2nd Bull Run
    Confederate Gen. Stonewall Jackson defeats Union army once again here. Source
  • Walt visits George

    George is wounded and Walt goes to Fredericksburg, Virginia to visit him. Injuries are minor. PBS Source
  • Whitman moves to Washington D.C.

    He finds to like caring for the wounded soldiers so he moves and makes his rounds to different military hospitals.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    This declared that all slaves in the rebelling states are considered free. Source
  • Birth of West Virginia

    Birth of West Virginia
    The western half of Virginia did not want to secede and become a part of the Confederate States. They were admitted into the Union on this date.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    This was the largest battle in the Western Hemisphere. Over 165,000 soldiers are a part of the battle. 23,000 union casualties and 28,000 confederate casualties. After three days of fiighting in Pennsylvania, Robert E. Lee retreats. Source
  • George is captured and Andrew's Death

    George was captured by the Confederates in Virginia. Andrew Jackson, Whitman's other brother died of Tuberculosis. Source
  • President Lincoln's 2nd inaugural address

    President Lincoln's 2nd inaugural address
    The president gives his second address PBS Source
  • Robert E. Lee surrenders

    Robert E. Lee surrenders
    Lee, confederate general, officially surrenders to union general Ulysses S. Grant. Picture of Robert E. Lee
  • President Lincoln's Assassination

    President Lincoln's Assassination
    John Wilkes Booth assassinates the president during a play at Ford's Theater. PBS Source
  • Jefferson Davis is captured

    Jefferson Davis is captured
    The Confederate army was diminishing over the course of the year because of shortage of food and other necessities. The last of the troops were defeated during the end of April and May. Jefferson Davis, president of CSA was captured on this date. Source
  • Drum-Taps

    Whitman publishes a book of poems about the Civil War. PBS Source
  • Sequel to Drum-Taps

    Whitman wrote Sequel to Drum-Taps shortly after Drum-Taps which published during the fall. PBS Source Source
  • When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd

    This poem was about and written shortly after President Lincoln's assassination. Poem was featured in Sequel to Drum-Taps. Source
  • 4th edition of Leaves of Grass

    Whitman publishes the 4th edition hoping it would be the last. PBS Source