Voting Timeline in the US by Finn Van Sickle and Alison Wolfe

By Finn VS
  • NC Constitution

    NC Constitution
    The highest legal document for North Carolina that governs the structure and function of the state. While America was fighting for its independence, the states created constitutions that organized them and gave them power over themselves.
    Along with the other states’ constitutions, the NC Constitution became a building block for the US Constitution. It also establishes and provides the structure for all state and local government as well as provides us with rights.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The right of citizens to vote can't be denied by the US or any state because of race or the color of their skin. This also included giving former slaves voting rights. Republicans wanted power in the North and South and African American votes could help accomplish that.
    This Amendment granted African American men the right to vote and run for office. After the Civil War, it was important that these rights were protected. This was one step in the right direction for equality in the voting polls.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    A collection of state laws that legalized racial segregation and kept African Americans away from the polls. They denied African Americans the right to vote and separated them from society. After passing the 13th amendment, states were trying to control African Americans so they created these laws. These laws were loopholes in the 15th amendment allowing legislators to oppress black voters. Getting rid of these laws fully opened the polls up to African Americans without the harsh discrimination.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    This granted women the right to vote. After a long struggle with women’s suffrage, this finally recognized the right of being able to vote regardless of sex.
    This put women in a level playing field with men for the first time even if it was just in regards to voting. Women had been protesting for years for political equality and social reforms and this was the first real result.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    Indian Citizenship Act
    Many people fought for more Native Americans to become US citizens. Because of this a lot of the restrictions were loosened until in 1924 this act was passed which allowed Native Americans to become citizens and gain voting rights.
    Before this act there were serious restrictions preventing Natives from being citizens, this act allowed voting and other acts by citizens. Unfortunately, things were heavily governed by state law which oftentimes led to Native not being able to vote.
  • 23rd Amendment

    23rd Amendment
    The 23rd Amendment allowed residents of the District of Colombia to vote for president and vice president. Residents of DC had already been treated like they lived in a state but this was a big step for voting rights.
    This is important because an entire group of people wasn't allowed to vote for our leaders just because they didn't live in a state, this helped broaden the voting rights of the US. This also inspires people's arguments that territories should be able to vote as well.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    The 24th Amendment prohibited poll taxes in federal elections. Poll taxes negatively affected many people especially African Americans because they usually were not as financially well off as white people.
    This amendment is especially important because it helped end the restrictions that were placed to stop African Americans and other groups from voting. It also promoted the idea that anyone has the right to vote despite their financial situation.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    After the ratification of the 15th Amendment, there were a lot of laws and acts put in place to limit African Americans' ability to vote. The Voting Rights Act was created to end these unfair barriers put on African American voters.
    This Act is important because it protects many individuals that are often targeted when it comes to voting. Many areas tried to ignore this act but it made a big impact on the rights of minority Americans.
  • 26th Amendment

    26th Amendment
    In WWII the draft age was lowered from 21 to 18 because of this many people were upset about the fact that young men could be forced to go to war but they could not vote. Eventually, they ratified the amendment so 18-year-olds could vote.
    This was important because it made it so that people should not be denied their right to vote because of their age. The main argument that people had was that 18-year-olds were old enough to fight in wars but they were not allowed to vote.